Monday, August 20, 2007

Weekend Glories

Boy this weekend went by fast!!! Can't I just rewind a few weekends and enjoy them once again?? I wish! Going back to work at the high school is looming ever closer in the distance!!
I have so much to do, and I am so excited to say I accomplished a ton! I got some dreaded ironing done, cleaned out my upstairs, and I even scrapped a bit. The best part though, was my daughter came over to scrap with me. What a blessing when you can share your passion with your daughter! She is getting quite good at this scrapping business too! I am going to have to get some pictures of her layouts and post them on here!
The new LRS kit came in the mail this week and I have been having a blast with it.
Here are the layouts and cards I created this weekend.

This layout entitled Thank You was made for the JJ challenge.

The next layout, All Smiles, is for the OLW posie challenge. These posies were so much fun to make! I am going to have to make some more! Thanks Gigi!!
The next two cards are for Nikki's challenge at LRS.

Have a great day everyone!!


  1. Love your thank you layout and you know I love those flowers on your All Smiles layout! Lovely!

  2. Beautiful layouts,I said it before and I will say it again, I just love your scrap style, so beautiful to look at! I just book marked your blog too lol.


  3. OOOOH!!!! LOVE your flowers!!!!!! they turned out so fab!!!!

    & dude...your cards are gorgeous too!
    love the one w/ the embossing...very cool :)

  4. love those posies and the lo's and cards are beautiful! Love the colors!
