Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I received the package I have been waiting for! Yay!! It has taken a week and a half, but it has finally arrived. I think our mail is up and working again. You do not realize how personal your mail is until it starts being sent elsewhere. My son's drivers license, bank statements, and my daughter's paycheck were all lost in the mail. Yikes, those are important things! Thank you to the mail carriers who deliver our mail safely. I will not take you for granted any longer!

Now I can start on my DT work for Little Red Scrapbook!! The manufacturer for this month is my beloved October Afternoon. As you can see from earlier posts, I love OA!! Working with this kit will be a treat!!!

I finished a layout for Sheila at Keepsakes by Design using Kimberly Poloson Cabana Blooms papers. These papers are very rich and fallsy and of course I just had to cut them up.

My inspiration came from a layout entitled Day Trip by Maggie Holmes. I loved what she did with the hambly and the scalloped border. Thanks for the inspiration!!

Wishing you a bright and sunny day! I am off to play with my LRS kit!!



  1. Ohh wow you are so talented and very blessed to be on those DT's! YEAH!!!! I love checking your blog, BTW.

  2. Love that layout, Kristii! Will it be a class for the fall??

  3. What a fun kit! And a fantastic layout! I hope it will be a class in the fall! Have so much fun playing! I'm playing with my June SC kit, which arrived on Monday. Already done two layouts, and whipping through the OA, which I officially love now!

  4. Beautiful layouts, loving your work! Glad your mail is fixed! I had a similar situation with a package this weekend, so frustrating and scary.

  5. Hi Kristii- this page is amazing! Love your work. I am looking forward to creating with you on the So sketchy blog!! ~Jess
