Thursday, July 17, 2008

Oh so lonely!!

It is Thursday and my hubby has been gone for 6 days and won't be home until Sunday. This is a long mission trip!! The trip is going well, but it is sounding like there are some who are ready to come home. This is a long trip for those Jr. Highers. My husband says he is getting too old for this, but in all honesty, he is the youngest man I know!!! I miss you sweetie and I am counting down the hours until you make it home!!

My mom is doing well. She may get to go home today! Whoo hoo!! I haven't heard the plan for her treatment yet and I am anxiously awaiting news!!! Bless her sweet heart!! Here is a layout I did when I visited her 6 months ago. She has been through so much and she is sooooo courageous!!

Keep on fighting mom and my prayers are with you!!! I love you!!!

The first official reveal for the entire page sketch team is now posted on the So Sketchy Blog!!!! Whooo hoo!! All of the layouts are totally awesome!! The So Sketchy Sistas rock!! If you get a chance stop by and check it out!!! Here is my take on this month's awesome sketch!!!
This layout was made with my July Studio Calico kit. Love that kit!!! MME, Sassafrass Lass, and Basic Grey patterned papers; Bazzill cardstock; MM and AC alphas; Chatterbox Artsylicious Splendid Treasures; MM Brads; KI lace paper; MM and KI blossoms; SC stamp; Jenni Bowlin tickets; and DMC embroidery floss.

I am on my way to the dentist, booo hoo hoo! I have to have a filling taken care of and I am glad I will be getting it out of the way! Then I have to take my sweet puppy, Charley, to the groomer. It should be a busy afternoon.

I hope you all have a great day!



  1. Praying for your Mum.

    Love the layouts, esp the SC one!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Super great layouts! Love what you did with the sketch and the SC kit! You are amazing! And so glad your mom has improved! What a relief. Getting the plan is always a bit anxiety making. But at least then you have some idea of what is coming for awhile!

  4. Kristii, your layouts are amazing. I especially love the one of your mom. What a beautiful lady

  5. Great layouts! Thoughts go out to you and your mom!

  6. love the layout kristii! so so cute!

  7. that lo is gorgeous. i will have to check out your new challenge blog.

    i will keep your Mom and you in my thoughts today. she is so beautiful and looks so absolutely sweet.

    have a good day!

  8. So glad to hear your Mom is being released! Prayers for her and for a safe trip home for your DH. :) Gorgeous layouts!

  9. Your layout ROCKS!!! I was blown away when I saw it on the email. SOOO pretty!!!

  10. What a beautiful page of your mom. I will be praying for her, and your family. What a gorgeous SC kit l/o, too. WOW!

  11. I'm loving those LO's, Kristii, especially the one of your sweet mom. She sounds like quite the fighter, and i'm glad she is doing better. Your husband sounds like quite an awesome man to do what he does - I hope the time that he is gone passes quickly for you!

  12. You've got a lot going on!
    Sending healing thoughts to your mom.
    Love your layout. The red just POPS!
    And I hope your dentist appointment went well :)

  13. Love, love, love that layout!

    The photo of you and your parents is gorgeous too - your Mum looks stunning.
