Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm back!!

What a wonderful trip!! It was a whirlwind, but the time I got to spend with my daughter was fantastic!! It wasn't quite as hard leaving this time around, but it was very quiet when we arrived home. I had such a great time seeing how well they are doing in Washington. They look so happy in their new home!!! Their apartment is so cute and I see little touches of her personality throughout each room! I am so proud of you girl!!
We took Charley with us and he was a delight!! I think Bethany enjoyed having him there as you can see from the picture below!! He is a great traveler!!!
Saturday, the girls spent the day shopping in Poulsbo while the boys did some salt water fishing in the Sound. It was a fantastic day for all!!!

They boys caught a few fish and they had a blast. Of course they didn't have a camera, but I did get this photo of them when we arrived on the beach. Don't they look cute!!!

I will put some more photos on my blog tomorrow. I have so much to do today that I had better get busy!! I have to unpack, do laundry, get groceries...the list could go on and on!! I also have lots of scrapping to do!!

Until tomorrow,



  1. welcome home...can't wait to see your pics (and resulting pages!)

  2. So cute! I love your pics!! I lived in downtown Seattle for almost 3 years..It is so pretty there, esp. this time of year!! Can't wait to see your other pics.!

  3. Welcome home, Kristii! So glad to hear that you had a wonderful time with your family! These are such great photos...I can't wait to see more! :)

  4. What great photos, and it sounds like a WONDERFUL trip!

  5. I'm glad you had a great time! I am already dreading the empty nest, lol. Well, sometimes I dread it. Sometimes I can't wait!

  6. Kristii, gorgeous photos of your trip. I am glad you had great trip arrived home safe adn sound!

  7. So glad you are back and enjoyed your vacation.

  8. Love the trip pictures! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time!

  9. Sounds like a great time, and good pics. Welcome Home!!

  10. Hey Kristii!! Glad to hear you had a wonderful and relaxing time - we were in Billings this past weekend with our kids school shopping. Love the "no tax" thing! You know, just forget about eating b/c all we need is scrappin, right - ha! Thanks for your kind comments :)

  11. Welcome home Kristii! Glad you had a great trip and that it wasn't TOO hard to leave this time! Could your girls be any more gorgeous?? Can't wait to see more photos!

  12. Beautiful photos! Glad you had a great time! I love visiting Seattle...I live in Oregon.
