Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Check out the Happenings at Color Me Daisy!!!

Color Me Daisy is hosting an on-line Crop!!!

We are getting ready for an on-line crop to held next weekend September 10-21!!! There will be lots of games and challenges and of course, lots of fun prizes!! It is going to be an awesome weekend!!! Check out the CMD Blog for more information!!! I have never fully participated in an on-line crop and I am way excited!!! I hope to see you all there!! I know I plan on getting lots of scrapping done!!

Color Me Daisy!!! Guest Design Team Opportunity!!

Michelle is looking for a guest designer for October!! I just have to tell you that the October kit is going to be awesome and what a great opportunity to win yourself a free kit!! You just gotta try out for this!! Check out the CMD Blog for more information!!!! You will be glad you did!! Michelle is awesome to work for and you are going to love this kit!!!

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