Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Surprise is Revealed!!!

I am soooo excited to finally spill the beans!!!   

Scrapping The Music is featured in the March issue of Scrapstreet Magazine!! I hope you will get a chance to check it out - it's a three-page feature (click on the page #s to turn the pages) about what the blog means to us with contributions from our founder Mary and each design team member, along with photos of this week's layouts! Click here to read the article.  This gives you a chance to look into the STM Design Teams hearts!!  It is an awesome article!! I am so honored to be a part of such an amazing team!!!

Our featured song this week is "Say" by John Mayer. It's such a beautiful song, and the lyrics really speak to you right where you are at!!

When I sat down and listened to this song and the lyrics- Say what you Need to Say, it made me think about  those things that I just can't keep quiet about. Those things that I just have to say. I decided to use a picture that was taken of me teaching a Sunday School Class. I am very passionate about working with kids and sharing my faith with them. With that thought this layout was born.  I used a page from an old hymnal for this project.  The song from the hymnal page  is "I Love To Tell the Story"  which was perfect to convey the message of my layout!  I used some Jenni Bowlin and some Basic Grey Papers.  Some vintage book pages stamped with K and Co. stamps, hambly transparencies, Making Memories alpha and Cricut
 Storybook font letters, and some Kaiser Kraft pearls.

Thanks for taking a peek!! I hope you get a chance to join in the fun this week!!!

I am very happy to report that I finished all of Benny's costumes!! He is going to be ready for Friday night's performance.  I am really looking forward to it.  It should be a lot of fun!!!

Well, I am going to have to call it a night!!
I am thoroughly exhausted!!
I wish you a glorious Monday!!!


  1. Wow Missy K just love your STM layout all that layering is just devine.

  2. HOW EXCITING!!! I love the layout you did! The post before this one, the layouts are spectacular!

    WowZers you are talented!

  3. That's fantastic - off for a looksie :D

  4. well that is awesome! lovely page...i love when faith is brought into scrapbook pages.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congrats! That is awesome for all of you talented ladies!! :-)

  7. OMG Kristii! I didn't mean to delete my entire comment.. lol I just wanted to correct a typo! So here it is again. Congrats on completing all Ben's costumes, I know that is a huge (correct spelling!) relief to you. Also I loved the STM Song and want to do a layout using this one.

  8. What a great article (already jumped over for a look-see)! Your layout is of my favorites! Yay You!!! for getting the costumes completed...somehow I knew you would. Hope you have a fantastic Monday!

  9. So loving this layout and I love the picture of you so much!!!

  10. GREAT layout and what a happy WOOT WOOT for ya! :)

  11. Just love that out!

  12. What a great LO!!! Congrats to on the article!

  13. What awesome news! Good for you! And love the layout. :)

  14. I am BEYOND proud that our secret is OUT and that I am even MORE PROUD that I am working with a TALENT like U!!!!!! Your STM is AMAZING (heck..they always are!!!) ... loveeeeeeeeee that photo and love love love love love the colors and all the flowers! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  15. Huge congrats, just amazing layouts, the detail is just incredible!

  16. So glad that you got all the costumes completed. LOVEEEEE the LO!!!! Wishing you a Terific Tuesday!!!

  17. your pages are gorgeous! you're the winner of the homemade orange marmalade and champagne jelly off my blog so email me your address and i'll send it off!


  18. Exciting news!! your LO is beautiful!!!

  19. Kristii, I left you something on my blog. Hugs!

  20. I love the detail you put into your pages...looking at this layout I feel like my pages are naked! Congrats on the article in the magazine...I'm going to check out the links right now! :) Have a great night!

  21. Oh wow, how cool about the article, kristii - i'll check it out! And WOW! That LO is jaw dropping gorgeous!! And I looove john mayer :-)

  22. I just found your blog and I love your layouts!! wow just awesome

  23. I love this layout and what it means to you..... Can't wait to hear about and see some pics of Ben's program tonight!
