Monday, January 18, 2010

Friday's the day!!!!

Whoo hoo!!! We are leaving for Anaheim for the CHA convention on Friday!!! I truly can't wait!!! I have never been to CHA before and I am so excited I just can't contain myself!!! I have plans to meet a few friends, attend a few classes (including one with Tim Holtz!!!!), and take in all the scrappy goodness that is available!!!! If you are going to be there, let me know, so I can make plans to meet up with you!!! I will be taking my camera of course so I can post pictures on my blog while I am gone!! Stay tuned for some serious CHA goodness!!!

The gallery has been posted at Little Red Scrapbook!!!
I enjoyed this month's kit tremendously, but I was very sick while I was working on it so of course I had to do a layout that documented how I was feeling at the time.
I slept for three days and my sweet little Charlie slept at my feet for most of the time! There's nothing better or more comforting than the warmth of your best friend. I didn't eat much during the week, but a hot bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup is just what the doctor ordered! I was so cold most of the time, that I had to have a nice pair of warm socks on too! Those were my comforts while I was sick!!

I think this is my favorite layout of the month!!! These are my kids having some fun in Poulsbo, Washington!! Aren't they the cutest???
This is my word for 2010 layout, although I couldn't stop at one word!!!
For 2010, I have a dream and through that dream I know that I will grow, and through that growth I hope to fly!!! I had to make sure the layout expressed who I am! So I had to make the AC papers vintage. I thought the best way to do that was to use vintage book pages. Of course, pink is my favorite color and I just love this pink paper from AC!!!

Over Christmas break, my girls and I did some crafting and had a blast!! I definitely had to chronicle that!!! Aren't they cute????
This is the birthday card I made for Bethany...she turned 24 this month! Yikes, I'm getting old!!!
I have been having some fun with Papertrey stamps lately and here is another card I made using them!!! They are awesome!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!!!
I hope you have a beautiful Monday!!!


  1. Loved your layouts but am definitely lifting your "cures for the common cold" one!!
    Have a great time at CHA, Kristii!! Keep us posted :0)

  2. such amazing layouts!!! Can't wait to meet you at CHA!!!! YEAHH

  3. Gorgeous pages & cards, Kristii! Hope you have fun at CHA. So exciting. Can't wait to hear about it. :)

  4. soooooooooooooooooo excited to meet U....make sure U stop by Nikki's booth!!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee the lo's and the cards!!! gorgeous! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Holy Gucamole!!! awesome layouts as usual... Love the "cold" one, great idea. All of them are fabulous.. and sooo you! Have a blast at CHA, can't wait to see your photos.

  6. Have a wonderful time!! Your layouts and cards are fabulous...wonderful job!


  7. Love all the LO's Kristii....they are just Perfect!!!

    Have a wonderful time at CHA...wish I were going so that we could meet IRL!!!

  8. Ohhhh!! I so wish I could be there!!! You & Nat! Im so going to miss meeting you IRL! Would you consider Chicago? That is my plan. The owners of our store took Laura who I work with. They left today.

    Boo Hoo! :(

  9. Wonderful projects! Saw some and commented on Peas. Hope you have a blast at CHA! You will....for us it's like being a kid in a GIANT candy store! Enjoy!

  10. Beautiful projects Kristii!!! I really like the layout about the common cold. Okay...I love them all! Hope you are having a great time at CHA!
