Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Falling Behind and some Shabby Chic Love

Wow!!! I can't believe a whole week has gone by since my last post...totally not like me!!! I didn't feel well last week and it just doesn't seem like I have been able to catch up!! There is just so much to do and so little time!!! I will just have to rest in the Lord and rejoice in Him and the rest will eventually all come together!!!

My sweetie and I took a much needed break and drove into Yellowstone National Park on Sunday. It was a perfect day in every way!!! We saw quite a few animals and it was just so relaxing!!! I really needed that!!! Here are some pictures from our trip:
These buffalo took a nice leisurely walk right by the car!!! How amazing is God's Creation!!!
I just love it when we get to see Big Horn Sheep!!! Such a treat!!!
This is Lava Creek, one of our favorite resting spots in the Park.
Charley was so excited...he just couldn't get enough of all the new smells in the park...what a cutie!!!
Here's my sweetie and the pups....I am blessed indeed!!!

Here are some pictures from my latest creation which will also be a class at Simply Fresh Arts:
Maya Road Dress Form Banner
The Maya Road Dress Form Book was a perfect start for a fun little banner for your Craft Room!!!!

I used 7 Gypsies Victoria patterned papers which are absolutely gorgeous and are perfect for this Shabby Chic Banner. The rest of the materials include Tim Holtz Buttons, Prima lace and flowers, and lots of glitter, pearls and seam binding ribbon!!!

Here's a close-up of all the pieces:

Thanks for stopping by!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day,


  1. Love these wonderful photos Kristii..just amazing!!! you are so lucky to have such beauty so close to you!!!

    Love that Banner.....LOVE IT!!!
    Wishing you a great week!!

  2. Omgosh these are just adorable, and those pics. are amazing.

  3. Wonderful photos, Kristii. Someday I will get there and see those amazing animals! And I love what you did with the dress form banner, sooo fun!!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh i love the photos kristii....what a FAB time U had!! And I love love love love your wall hanging...those dress forms are BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Oh! I want to go to the park! HOpefully soon.
