Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Season's of Life

Today is the last day my sweet Heidi is home. I take her back
to college in Spokane tomorrow. I am sooo proud of her! She is so amazing! She has chosen her major, nursing, and she is so determined to have a great year! One thing about my girl is when she sets her mind to something, she fights for it all the way! Go Heidi! I am your biggest fan! It is kind of funny, all the years you have them at home you prepare them for leaving and it still doesn't make it any easier! I am not in tears like I was last year, so that is definitely a plus. I guess I am maturing too!

One of the many important things I learned last year is:

There isn't a child who hasn't gone out into the brave new world who eventually doesn't return to the old homestead carrying a bundle of dirty clothes. ~Art Buchwald

She will be back with her laundry before long-and we are talking major laundry!
I am going to miss her sooo much, but I know she is going to accomplish great things this year!


  1. aww...can't imagine this time coming in my life. hang in there though =)

    (love your fishing pics and the layout!!)

  2. hang in there! she'll be back home before you know it! :)
