Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What a Day!!

Have you ever had one of those days?? First of all, our garage door popped a spring. Ok, so no big deal, just gotta heat up the car and scrape the windows in the morning. Got it covered.
Then, at 6:00 this morning I am drying a load of laundry and I hear a loud pop. I have one more small load I need to dry, but it is Ben's soccer uniform, so I know it will air dry before he has to leave. Got it covered. I'll tell my hubby about it later. Then, just before I leave for work, my stomach rumbles big time. Ok, so I am late for work and not feeling too hot. I say a big prayer on the way. Thankfully I make it through the day with no mishaps until I walk out the door. Someone walks out at the same time I do and opens the door right onto my heal (which is not covered because I chose to wear my birks today). I have a large gash and am bleeding all over. I get home...yay my sanctuary! Aaaahhhh..... I fix dinner for the fam and open a can of chicken noodle soup for myself and the next thing I know an Insurance Saleswoman is at the door. My sweet, dear husband forgot to let me know he made an appointment.

I am so thankful that the day, though it was full unexpected twists and turns, was a good day!
The chickadees were whistling this morning, the sky was blue, the sun was shining and God was good! The dryer problem ended up being a blown fuse and my garage is still not fixed, but it will give my sweet, dear husband something to tackle this weekend. I just gotta say-Life Is Good!
I am thankful!!

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