Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

This year I am not going to make resolutions, but I am going to make life changes.
With my mom being diagnosed with Cancer this year, I have decided to not put off changing my eating and exercising habits any longer. I know this is very important and I do not know why I have put it off for so long. I also am planning on getting myself better organized. There is no excuse for putting these things off any longer and for sure I am not getting any younger! It is time to change my life!

One of the best changes of 2007 was scrapping more. I scrap for many reasons, but I have found it is very thereaputic- Much better than paying for a counselor! I want to scrap more real life goals and focus on scripture too. I am joing the Faith Sisters blog and scrap challenge! I look so forward to the pages I will create in 2008!

Speaking of scrapping, Little Red Scrapbook posted the January kit. Here is a peek!
Can't wait to get started with this month's kit!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! I agree that life is too short to put things off!
