Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We have a housefull!!

Beth and Matt are moved in, Heidi is home from college, and my dad and Carrie have arrived. We do have a housefull! I am so happy that my dad is able to visit while Matt and Beth are still here! It has blessed my heart beyond measure to see all those I love, here together. I am so not looking forward to the "Big Move", but I am totally enjoying the time we are having together and for that I am truly thankful!!
Carrie and I pulled out all the photo albums and looked through all my scrapbook pages! What fun reliving all those memories again with her! She is such a sweetie and so very patient going through all those pages! That's why we do this thing though-to relive and enjoy those old memories with the ones we love!!

I will have to get some candid shots of all the goings on this week, but I can tell my kids are already over the picture taking. I am going to have to sneak it in here and there while they least expect it! I do have a couple of pictures from the graduation party to post. It was a fantastic party! Our kids have so much support and we are so proud of them!
Matt and Beth with Ed and I and Ed's family.

Whoo hoo, I only have 9 more days of school left!! I am so excited to spend a few days scrapping away with no other cares in the world! Aaaahhh....just thinking about it sounds heavenly!!
I will have to get a job this summer, but I am hoping to find something part time so I can scrap to my heart's content. Speaking of scrapping I have some layouts that I haven't posted here yet:

I used Graphic 45 papers in these layouts. I totally love Graphic 45-awesome paper! These were designed for a class at Keepsakes By Design.
Here is my quote for the week:
Happiness is a matter of one's most ordinary and everyday mode of consciousness being busy and lively and unconcerned with self. ~Iris Murdoch
Have a fantastic week!

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