Wednesday, July 23, 2008

After the Storm

This was the scene in downtown Bozeman yesterday after a massive storm packing gale force winds moved across the valley yesterday. This picture was on the front page of our local paper, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. The headline read, "All hail broke loose." We were foolishly driving home in this mess. We couldn't see for the water blowing so hard across the road. It was quite scary!!! When we left, it was a bright sunny day. When we arrived home we were dismayed that we had left our windows open and had quite a mess to clean up. In the 10 years I have lived here, I haven't seen a storm of this magnitude. It was really quite amazing. Our tree in our backyard lost it's top and our flowers took quite a beating. Thankfully there was not any more damage in our neck of the woods. Several trees came down in other areas and some homes were severely damaged. I am just thankful we made it home safely and didn't go off the road! The forecast is for more thunderstorms today. Hopefully they won't be so severe! The following pictures are from our yard. The middle of our tree has vanished and our flowers are looking quite sad. Oh well, at least now I can weed easily, lol!!!

Over the weekend I had some fun with some American Crafts paper. Here is a layout of my sweet dear daughter with such a serious look on her face all dressed up in her twirly red dress. She truly melts our hearts!!! I did send this in to AC in hopes of making their DT, but I know I don't have a prayer! You never know unless you try!!!

I am off to run some errands and continue working on my projects. I hope you all have a great day!

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36 May you experience freedom today!!



Lauren said...

Wow, what a storm!!
I soooo love your AC Layout!! Those are some of my favorite papers ever!

liz mataraza said...

OMG! your layout is amazing. surely i don't have a shot in h*** at making it with all the other entries i've seen! yipes!

what a crazy storm. but i really love it when it storms like that, as long as nobody is hurt and nothing is really damaged.

Ally said...

Ooh - good luck with the DT! The little layout is adorable!

Susan Beth said...

The layout is perfect! You have a better shot than most!

During the storm yesterday Andy and I were up behind Mt. Blackmore, enjoying wonderful weather - only two little down pours that we needed to take cover from, and those were less than 5 minutes each. No wind, no hail. But we did come home to no power. Amazing that it was so much safer in the mountains than in the valley! I would have expected the reverse.

Jeffrey Sharkey said...

lol yea the storm was pretty bad, heres some more pics from west side of town:

Sharie said...

Glad you (and the flowers) survived your storm. That layout is just gorgeous - best of luck with AC.

laverneboese said...

what a horrible storm! Your layout is truly stunning! Oh good luck with the DT. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Staci Taylor said...

Kristii, you do amazing work - you totally have a shot at AC (although now that I saw your LO, I don't think I do, lol). Yikes about the storm - glad you guys are safe and sound!

Kendra said...

I'm glad you decided to submit! I think you do beautiful work and you're right, you'll never know if you don't try. : )

Anonymous said...

Kristii, this is stunning! Love the colors and sweet pic! Good luck on your DT work - I think you're mahvalous :)