Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy July!

Wow! Its already July first. The time is just flying and I am still not sure where June went. The days have been beautiful here. I so love the summertime!! Well, there is one exception to that rule. My allergies totally blew up yesterday. I ended up having to go to bed they were so bad. I keep hoping I will outgrow them, but every year they insist on coming back. My sweetie went out and bought me some non-drowsy medicine, so today should be a better day!!
It should be about 85 degrees with blue skies, I predict a fantastic day!!

My son made it back from his mission trip and I could swear he grew another inch or two. He is growing up right before my eyes. I think he learned a lot. I have enjoyed the stories he has had to tell! It is so good to have him back home. He got right to it yesterday and dug up some Yarrow that had been overtaken by grass for me. I am a lucky mom to have such a great kid!!

I finished another layout about Matt and Beth. It is so good to see the smiles on their faces. Even though I miss them, I know they are doing very well and that does my heart good!
I am so very proud of you!! I just love seeing you both so happy!! It makes me smile!!

Here is a quote for today,

Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. Unshakable faith is faith that has been shaken. - Unknown

Have a great day,



  1. Kristi, love the layout and your quote is wonderful!!

  2. WOW! Your LO's are AMAZING!!! Loved your winning LO at STM! June did go by quick, but I LOVE July. It is my b-day month and mid Summer and HOT and I LOVE it! :-)

  3. I sure hope you are feeling much better today! Love the layout! Glad your boy is home safe and sound! Does he want to come and dig some things at my house?

  4. I sure hope you are feeling much better today! Love the layout! Glad your boy is home safe and sound! Does he want to come and dig some things at my house?

  5. Just a AWESOME page! I love this! I want to do little bits of pieces here and there too but still having a hard time. Still trying tho. Thanks for the inspiration!!!
