Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday's thoughts

I had a very good, but lonely weekend. My husband went on a Jr. High mission trip to Yakima, Washington. I miss him tremendously, but he is an amazing Jr. High Youth Leader. I am so proud of him!! Heidi also went to Washington to visit her friends. It was her first time driving herself and she did great. Way to go Heidi. I am so proud of you too!!

I was able to scrap to my heart's content!!! Yay!! I finished a layout for the So Sketchy Blog. I can't wait to post it on here!! I also started a little mini celebrating my three kids relationship throughout the years. I have a couple more pages to go, but here is what the front cover looks like:

It is so fun to see the pictures of the three of them throughout the years. I will post it in it's entirety when I finish!

It was also a sad weekend as my mom, who has been fighting lung cancer for the last 7 months, was admitted into the hospital with pneumonia. Things don't look very good, but I will always have hope. I'm praying for you mom!!!

My mom's difficulties lead me to examine my own life. What is important? Why do I do the things I do? Today is the day to take time and smell the roses. Do those things you have been putting off. Let those chores wait till later and do something fun with your kids.

Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons ~ Ruth Ann Schabacker

A devotional I just stumbled upon used this verse for the day,

John 10:7-10 “So Jesus said to them again, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.’” defines abundance as

1. an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: an abundance of grain.
2. overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart.
3. affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance

In other words "more than enough". Jesus came to give abundant life, abundant peace, and abundant joy. How much pleasure...How much beauty...How much fame and success... How much money... How much is more than enough? Life with God is abundant. I need to stop searching and seeking for these things in the world and realize I have all I need in Christ. I need to take the time to enjoy what he has given me today. That is enough! May we not work so hard for all of these things and miss the small little joys that are right in front of our eyes if we would just open them and look! That is my goal for the day. To see what is in front of my eyes and not take any thing for granted!

I hope you all have a great day! I wish you a very fragrant smell, as you take time to stop and smell the roses.


  1. your mini is so CUTE!!!! I love the colors and pp :)

  2. It's a wonderful goal of the day, too! I love hearing others' thoughts on verses. It's always very advantageous to hear another person's point of view. Very pretty mini, btw. It's gorgeous!

  3. What lovely thoughts.

    Your mini book is very cute too.

  4. love the book and the thoughts are so very inspiring. i sometimes lose sight...

  5. I will be praying for you and your mom! I know this is not an easy time, but I am so encouraged to see that you are finding so much comfort in The Word! And the book is wonderful. Seems like a lot of reasons for you to turn to scarp therapy these days - transitions all around you! Keep you chin up,

  6. Your mom will be in my prayers Kristii!

  7. I am sorry to hear yoru mom developed pneumonia. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. I also meant to add that you and your mother are in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. Great post, I need to remember this also. So true.

  10. what a cute little album cover! Thanks for the message, so important.

    Stalked your gallery today, haven't seen your pages all week. So I caught up on them, YAY!!! all of them FABULOUS!!!
