Friday, August 15, 2008

Moving Day

We will be packing up Heidi's car and our truck today to move Heidi to Washington. sniff, sniff!
I am very excited for her, yet I will miss her tremendously!! I admit it, it is no fun being the only female at home. The boys will outnumber me and gone will be chick flicks and in will be fast cars, bombs, blood, and blasts.... The boys are ornery for sure and I know I will be the object of their jokes. lol! So I am gearing up for a male household and I will be planning a girls weekend in Washington as soon as we possibly can!!

I'm gonna miss you girl!!

I finished my So Sketchy layout yesterday!! Whoo hoo!! I found my mojo!! Doin a happy dance here!! I can't wait to post it!! My oldest beautiful daughter is the subject and I put my heart and soul into it!! I have another layout to finish for Scrapping the Music today before we leave tomorrow. I am hoping my mojo sticks around for a while!!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!

Wishing you much mojo!!



  1. Have a wonderful trip!! Just think of all of the great visits you can make to WA!!!

  2. Have a wonderful trip!! Just think of all of the great visits you can make to WA!!!

  3. Good luck with the move! Can't wait to see your LOs!

  4. Have a safe trip, and come to my house for some girl time, as I am also out numbered. We can find some girly stuff to do that will be fun. Not as great as your daughters, but fun all the same. Drive safe tomorrow, and I look forward to seeing your layouts!

  5. Ahhhh, have a safe one!!! It'll be so tough when my time comes!!! I can't wait to see your page!

    My mojo has been lost, hidden, buried, oh who knows, for a couple of weeks. I did very little although I managed to finish a few DT stuff. It'll come, it'll come! I hope!!! :)

  6. She's beautiful. Abundant blessings to you in this new season!

  7. Have a safe trip! I am just starting to have the realization that I will be outnumbered in my house for a very long time to come. Some people tell me that it is good to be the only girl in the house. That you get to be the queen!

  8. I hope your mojo stayed with you and that you have a safe trip to take your girl to school tomorrow. Take care!

  9. Good luck with the move!
    I've left you an award on my blog :o)

  10. hey can you send a little mojo over here. i haven't scrapped for about 2 weeks! ARGG!

    I put those pictures up of charlie for ya, sorry it's been a crazy week!

  11. sniff, sniff
    she is just beautiful! i can't imagine mine leaving home!

  12. Your daughter is so beautiful - look at that smile! Safe travels, Kristii, and good luck handling all the testosterone!! :-) Can't wait to see your LO!
