Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday's News

All the students report to school today. Everything is up and running and we are supposed to be ready for this! I feel a little like a chicken with my head cut off! Some new ideas were implemented and I don't feel entirely prepared, but one thing I have learned for sure is that today will come and today will go and everything will fall into place! Here we go-jump in with both feet-and we will come out on top eventually!!

Exciting news over at Little Red Scrapbook!!! Maegan is hosting a DT call!! If you have ever wanted to try out for the LRS DT, now is the time!! Check out the Little Red Scrapbook DT call here!!!

I have one more layout that I put together for my LSS using the new KI paper and my Cricut machine. I have been scrapping my behind off and it feels soooo good!!! The KI papers have been so much fun to work with and I really haven't done too many back to school layouts before, so I am totally enjoying this process. I loved homeschooling my kids and some days I really miss the fun we had with each other and the focus that we had on the Lord!!! Those were the good old days and it is so much fun to remember!!

I hope you all have a terrific day!!!

May the Presence of the Lord give you peace and may you lean on Him today!



Susan Beth said...

Very cute layout! Praying for the best day possible as all of the students are back!

Susan Beth said...
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Lauren said...

What a sweet layout! Wishing you a wonderful day, Kristi!

Anonymous said...

super cute page! good luck with that first day! :)

mommy2alex said...

Super cute layout, great colors!
Good luck with the kiddies coming today, what an exciting day!

Tiffany Harper said...

Gorgeous layout. I hope your first day of back to school is filled with tons of memories and not too much stress =)

And a beautiful salutation. Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Aaw what a cutie and the layout is wonderful :)

Michelle said...

Another great layout! Hope your day went well!

Mary Jo said...

Cute layout, Kristii! Your work is some of my favorite at LRS. No DT's for me though. As much as I like LRS and scrapbooking, I don't think I'm going the DT route anymore. :0)

Sweet Peripety said...

I just love your words, Kristii....thank you for saying such, Godly words to your readers.

So, do you love your Cricut?? What's your fav cartridge?

aimee said...

i feel like a headless chicken too!

Staci Taylor said...

That is so cute, Kristii! Love those little apples! Good for you that you've gotten to scrap so much, i'm jealous :-)

Anonymous said...

Such a cute layout - just love your artwork!! You're such an inspiration to us all - bless you as well :)