Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Finally! I am so tired of all the campaining-I have another word for the whole process, but I will choose to be positive instead of negative! The bright spot in this 2008 election has to be Tina Fey and her interpretation of Sarah Palin. She is truly a bit of sunshine on a cloudy day.

I will vote after my sweetie gets off work and wait to hear the results. The next 4 years will be very interesting that is for sure!

I am so excited to share my publication news. I was contacted by Stacey Michaud about a layout that I had done this summer that was perfect for an article that she wrote for ScrapStreet.com Magazine this month. You can view the article here. Thank you Stacey for considering my work! What an honor! That is one of my all time favorite layouts and it is so rewarding that someone else liked it too!!!

I am off to work on my projects for Little Red Scrapbook. This month's kit is gorgeous!!

I hope you will be able to play with LRS scrappy goodness this month too!!!

I have to work on my Bible Study this morning too. I hope you all have a great day!

May God Bless the USA!



  1. happy election day, sweet girl! congrats on the pub! ♥

  2. WOO HOO on the pub! I know what you mean about election day...I can't wait for it to be over, and I'm excited about the change that will come with a new president.

  3. Congrats to you on the pub!! LRS kit very tempting, but sticking to my budget - though it's not much fun!!

  4. woot woot!

    looks like a great kit

    i voted today and will be EXACTIC with no political ads tomorrow! :)

  5. Super congrats on the pub! Very exciting, especially the way it came about. Enjoy your day.

  6. Congrats on the pub!!
    That kit is just pretty as can be, cannot wait to see your creations from it.
    I'm excited to the outcome tonight as well and am so thankful not to have to endure those negative ads anymore. God has a plan for us, I reminded myself of that as I slid my vote into the counter.

  7. Kristii! Congrats on the publication. I think every publication out there should include your work. :o)

    That kit has the most beautiful colors. Must check it out.

    Well, I voted and I am so glad that the ads will soon be off the air and we can get on with change. Very exciting!

  8. Congrats on the pub!!!! oh that kit looks yummie!

  9. Congrats on the pub! That LO is fabulous! Love the LRS kit...wish I hadn't already spent all my scrappy $$ for the month!

  10. Congratulations Kristii! That's too cool ;o)

  11. that's so wonderful about your l/o!

    thank you for all your bits of encouragment in your blogging. hugs to you!
