Monday, December 8, 2008

The countdown continues...

Only 5 days until we drive to Spokane to bring Heidi home! Whoo hoo! I can't wait!! I missed her so much over the Thanksgiving Break and it will be so good to have her home!! We will leave Saturday morning and stay the night and drive back Sunday morning. The weather is supposed to be very cold as a blast of arctic air is forecast on Sunday. The high is supposed to be 11 degrees. There are only 16 more days until Beth and Matt will arrive home!! They will be staying with us for nearly 2 weeks!! It is going to be the best holiday ever!! I can't wait to have all of my kids together again!

I finished a ton of scrapping this weekend!! I still have some more projects in the works including some Design Team work for Little Red Scrapbook. I should have some sneak peeks for you on Wednesday!!

I know I keep going on and on about the Color Me Daisy December kit, but I just have to tell you it is my favorite Color Me Daisy kit ever. I have had so much fun with it and this layout is no exception!!
This is my sweet little Heidi telling us just how cold it is!! Isn't she the sweetest! This picture was taken in 1988! I am constantly reminded just how much time has gone by in my life!! Amazing!! There are some My Mind's Eye patterned paper and goodies as well as October Afternoon patterned papers and Maya Road Snowflakes. Don't you just love the metallic AC thickers!!

I love the song this week at Scrapping the Music!! Mary chose Peace on Earth/The Little Drummer Boy. The lyrics are awesome!! I decided to tell a family story with this week's challenge!! Of course, I used Studio Calico goodies on this layout!! The lyrics I used are:

Every child must be made aware. Every child must be made to care. Care enough for his fellow man, to give all the love he can.

The story behind this layout began 6 years ago. My children heard about Compassion International on the radio. We didn't have the money at the time to sponsor a child. We brainstormed and came up with a solution. I am so very proud to say that my kids chose to give up cable tv to sponsor a child. Maribenson has been our Compassion child for going on 6 years. We were without cable tv for a couple of years and we lived through it, lol! This will be an important story for my children to share with their own children! I am so proud of my kids!! They rock!

Thank you for checking out my blog and I hope you have a fantastic day!!

Thank you also to my Scrappy Friend Katrina Huerta for helping me spice up my blog a bit!! You rock girl!!

May the peace of God surround you this Christmas Season,



  1. What a beautiful thing your children did. That shows just how well they are being raised, you must be very proud.

  2. That is an AMAZING story Kristi!!!!!!!!!! WOWWWWWWWWW!!!! You and hubby must be very proud! :):):):):):):):):)

    Julie :):):):)

  3. Gorgeous layouts, as ever!
    Love the 'cold outside' one. The distressed white edge looks amazing :)

  4. What a great story! I'm so glad you got to scrap it. Beautiful!

  5. Beautiful layouts! I love the Compassion International story - you should write to Wes Stafford and tell him about the sacrifice! And I'm praying for Heidi and her return. I know it will be bitter sweet, but wonderful in so many ways. And where did you get those metalic AC Thickers? Want to trade stashes?

  6. What a sweet gift your kids gave to your sponsored child! I think it's awesome that they were willing to sacrifice for someone else.

    Your layout is beautiful Kristii, as usual!

  7. Woo hoo! It's getting closer and closer to when you will have everybody home with you. I am excited for you! LOL! I think you have an amazing family. What an amazing thing your children did by giving up something in order to do good for another. That warms my heart.

    As always, I am leaving your blog inspired and happy. Thank you!

  8. what an awesome story, kristii. you have raised some very special children. thanks for the shout out :) your blog looks great! love the layouts, too.

  9. what beautiful layouts, kristii, and i love the lyrics you chose for STM. the story behind it is fabulous!

  10. I Love that your children gave up cable to help out someone else! Speaks alot of how you raised them! I love that layouts you have here, your work is amazing. Enjoy having your children home! I cant wait for Brian to come home! Im sure you will not be on the net very much I know I would not be!

  11. Wow, I love your layouts, beautifull colors!
