Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Little Red Scrapbook Designs for December

Little Red Scrapbook featured Fancy Pants Arctic Chill in their December kit. I had some fun making some Santa Ornaments with this kit that I will be giving away to my friends and family.

Here are a few of my favorites:I just love these pictures of Bethany! Isn't she cute? She loved the snow!!
Tradition is very important to me and we have many traditions at Christmas time. One of those traditions is making homemade ornaments. Our tree is covered with ornaments we have made thoughout the years. In 2007 we covered some Bazzill ornaments and embellished them. They turned out beautiful!!!
Thanks for taking a peek!!
I hope you have a glorious day!!
Only 8 more days til Christmas!!


  1. Beautiful work here! Love the ornaments too, so neat! The trees and snowflakes on the pages are really a work of art!

  2. Love your santa ornament! Can't wait to get this kit. Hapy Holidays!

  3. Wonderful work Kristii! I love that paper and those Santa ornaments are the cutest!

  4. What a wonderful tradition! I LOVE your layouts! did you use the cricut again? What cartridges?

  5. Wowee! i LOVE your work Kristii! Those LOs and ornaments are just too stinkin' cute!
