Monday, December 15, 2008

No more dreaming.....

Of a White Christmas!!! We have several inches of snow on the ground and cold temperatures forecast for the next week. It is -15 degrees this morning (not including the windchill factor), and we have a forecast high of -4 here in Southwestern Montana. Brrr!!! It would be a great day to stay inside and bake cookies, but school is rarely canceled here in Montana. So we are getting ready for school this morning, as usual.

Benny's choir concert is tonight and I am really looking forward to it. He is singing in the Chanson choir and the Chamber Choir. I haven't heard them perform yet, but Ms. Wilkerson says they are a talented bunch!!
I only have time to post one layout, but I have more to post throughout the week!

This layout was done for the So Sketchy Blog and I had so much fun creating it. I used my SC December kit and my Cricut and I love the results!

The pictures were taken in 1994-it is so hard to believe that 14 years have gone by. Thank goodness I took pictures back then. They aren't perfect, but I didn't know then what I know now!

I hope you all have a great day!!



  1. Love the layout, and what you've done to your blog here, those snowflakes are awesome!

  2. I like the layout too. The cut out trees are lovely. Like how you've used that date card too.

  3. Love the layout! Very exciting about the concert tonight. Enjoy. I't -25 here at our house, and -22 at J's school, so the cold is everywhere. But its MT! So, life continues!

  4. Mom, those sweaters you put us in would be great for the ugly sweater party this weekend! ;) The layout looks good though...that was a long time ago!

  5. Gorgeous LO! Love the cut-out trees! I don't want to think about my kids growing up fast...time just seems to fly! It's below freezing here too, but in Oregon school does get cancelled when there is snow/ice on the roads so we are enjoying a snow day. DS is secretly hoping it continues so he can start his Christmas break early!

  6. Ohhh brrr to you too. LOL That is way too cold for this Florida gal.

    Love that page - can you believe how fast they grow up?!?! *sigh* Sad and exciting at the same time.


  7. which cartridge are those trees? I LOVE them!

    LOVE the layout too! Hope you enjoyed the concert?

  8. such a pretty layout! love what you did with that date tag from SC. stay warm!!!

  9. Wonderful use of your Cricut! Those little gifts are soooooo stinkin' cute!!
