Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Musings...

Today we start the second semester at school which means we are on the downside!!!  Whoo hoo!! This has been a very good year so far!  I am looking forward to this semester.  I am trying to work less at Hallmark now too, which is definintely going to help.  I am feeling caught up on my sleep, which is a definite improvement!

I was able to scrap a ton this weekend.  Problem is, I don't feel like my mojo is in residence.  I am a little unsatisfied with my projects, but I will push on through it and hope for better results today!  What do you do when your mojo is missing??  I have several projects that I want to work on, so hopefully some sunshine will break through!!

Here is some of what I worked on this weekend:
I decided to work on some cards using a sketch from the Card Positioning Systems Blog.  Yay Lea!! I did it!!  I used my beautiful Studio Calico January kit and some goodies from my stash.  October Afternoon, Studio Calico and Graphic 45 papers; Prima florals and Chipboard, Kaiser Kraft Pearls;  Cosmo Cricket ribbon; and a Technique Tuesday stamp designed by Ali Edwards.

This week's Scrapping the Music Challenge is based on the song Colors by Kira Willey.  This song is soooo scrappable!! I hope you can join us in the challenge this week.  I love all colors so much that I just couldn't narrow it down.  I had to scrap them all.  I decided it would be fun to give a try and I like the results.  I am not overly happy with my layout, but it does work from my character standpoint.  I am all of these colors at some time or another.  The characteristics that represent me the most are larger and bolder than the others.  

I hope you get a chance to play along and check out the blog as well!  The DT has some amazing creations this week!!!  I am so not worthy!!  

I am off to do my Bible Study this morning.
I hope you all have a wonderful day full of His Presence!!


  1. Your cards are stunning! I love them! How cool is that colors layout?! I hope you have a fun day at work and thanks for stopping by my blog this AM!

  2. I LOVE those gorgeous cards Kristii!! They're fabulous!!! Hhope you feel your mojo comes soon, but I'm not sure it's really lost at all--you're rocking your projects!!!
    -Jenni (jgj) from SC

  3. Beautiful cards! I'm hoping to play with my Jan kit today.

  4. Those cards are AMAZING!!!!! WOW!!! I really like the bright lo too.

  5. Kristii, your cards are gorgeous!! I love the colors and vintage feel. And your colors layout is amazing, i'm going to go check out that challenge this week!!

  6. Kristii your cards are gorgeous. I do not know what you are talking about your mojo is definitely not missing! I'm off to check out the STM challenge...

  7. I really like your projects and agree with others that it is hard to tell you didn't feel mojo's presence when you did them. They look great. That down side of the school year is always so great! You certainly have me motivated to do lots of scrapping when I get done studying.

  8. Oh my goodness. Your cards and layout are divine. I could stare at them forever.

    No mojo? I eat chocolate until it passes. Hmmm...I eat a lot of chocolate, so I am thinking I am often in a state of no mojo. LOL!

  9. Hi Kristii!! I just gave you a blog award, check out my blog for more details!! :-)

  10. Oh how I love the papers you used for your cards! Love what you did with the CPS sketches you picked too.

  11. I think your mojo is just fine! Your cards and your LO are absolutely gorgeous!!!

  12. Your mojo must be flowing strong in you....your cards & layout are just lovely!! I really love your card design & colours - very striking!!
    Alison xx

  13. Fabulous card, great papers and flowers. Your layout is amazing really love all the colours.

  14. Yay Kristii! I am so glad you joined us this week! The cards are absolutely gorgeous as well...I love the product you used! Hope to see you participate at CPS even more! Have a great day!


  15. Ohh your projects are fabulous - as always!! :) That color page is awesome. I might have to play along soon with STM.

    Glad that you are on the downside of the school year and that you are getting back on track.


  16. Never hear of it. Love the layout! I also love the cards you have made. And that is scrapping with no mojo? hmmmmmm... LOL! You are spectacular Kristii!
