Friday, February 20, 2009


I mean that with all of my heart!! I am soooo happy it is Friday!!!  It has been a very difficult week, but my heart is filled with joy this morning!!  
1.  I have been given breath for another day
2.  I have a loving family and we are one day closer to visiting Bethany in Seattle
3.  I am still employed 
4.  I have a beautiful home
5.  My son's midterm grades were fantastic
6.  Taxes are done
7.   FAFSA is done
8.  My bills are paid 
9.  I get to spend time with my sweetie tomorrow morning
10. and I get to scrap tonight!!!
Whoo hoo!!  I am going to tidy up my scrap room and then I will be working on some altered art, Scrapping the MusicCPS, and So Sketchy projects!!!  I have  lots of ideas in my head!!  I am hoping to get a lot done!!

I got to play with some of my favorite papers for Keepsakes by Design this week .   This set of cards is made with the Botanicabella Collection by Graphic 45.  I tell you, Graphic 45 has to be one of my favorite manufacturers ever!!!!  Their papers are so unique and different from all the rest.  

Thank you so much for taking a peek today!!  
I have one last thing to share with you today.  My heart has been so convicted this week.  I have been worrying and complaining about the state of our economy and yesterday my sweet coworker shared this verse with me:
If my peoplewho are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.2 Chronicles 7:14

Rather than complain and worry, I need to be making sure that I am right with God.  That I am humbling myself, seeking His face, and doing what I know is right.  I need to to be trusting the Lord and giving to others during this time of crisis.  I believe if we all had this mindset, we would see a change for the better.

Ok, I will step down from my soapbox.  I see that change is needed in my life and I am going to do something about it!!  I will think twice before I complain or worry today.  

I hope you all have a great weekend!!!
May you feel the presence of the Lord lead and guide you today,


  1. Yes, Yes, YES to TGIF!!! I'm with you...a long week but a good one. Looking forward to a great weekend with my honey, as well. Have fun scrappin'!

  2. TGIF!! Here as well :0)
    Your cards are breathtaking and the quote from scripture is humbling and a good reminder!

  3. Preach it sista! i love it, and need to hear it as ofent as possible! Those cards are sooo gorgeous, they got me to thinking--you know G45 is have a DT call right now, right? You do such justice to their papers and product, you should DEFINITELY go for it!!! I'll cheer you all the way! ;)

  4. Oh Kristii, your cards are breathtaking!!!! Wow, what wonderful papers!!!!! I loved reading what you are thankful for and I too agree, I need to let go and stop trying to take control, just let God help guide me through some decisions that my family has to make and may be life altering for all of us!!!! This is a sad time for all us. I will post when final decisions have been made, but this morning I looked to our Lord and asked for strength!!!! Please enjoy your weekend and I am looking forward to seeing your new creations. Thanks for all of your encouragement!

  5. I am sorry that you have had such a rough week Kristii! I think we all go through times like that. I am so happy that you are looking up and seeing all your blessings...because you are truly blessed. Especially with talent! Those cards are gorgeous!

    Have a great day,

  6. Those cards are just the type of thing that make me so intimidated to do a card class myself! They are out of this world wonderful. you set the bar so high - it's a great challenge to the rest of us. And you are one of the most faithful people I know. Whatever adjustment in outlook you need, I know God who is faithful will give you the ability and motivation to make it (although it is hard for this human soul to think of you as needing adjustments of attitude!) Love you sister, and I will never get tired of hearing what God puts on your heart!

  7. Holy Cow Kristii! That is some serious gorgeousness! LOVE your projects. Seriously. :-) And TGIF to you, hope you have a great weekend!!

  8. Hey Kristii and TGIF!! I love checking out your blog, you make the most amazing layouts and cards! Speaking of cards, those are just absolutely beautiful and I so envy your talent. Keep on keeping on girl and let God take the steering wheel! He is such a beautiful God and He IS in control. I've learned He is a much better pilot/driver than I am and He knows the the better route!!!

  9. Kristi,
    So glad I found your blog, via the layout on Pink Paislee. Your work is amazing and you will be on my watch list from now on. Your cards are breathtaking.
    I live in MT too. We all have many blessings we don't realize and living in Montana is one of them.


  10. Kristii, the cards are absolutely beautiful!! Hang in there girl, its a new week tomorrow!

  11. Well said, kristii :-) What a gorgeous card set - your details and your beautiful work never ceases to amaze me! Hope you had a wonderful weekend with your loved ones!

  12. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.2 Chronicles 7:14

    That verse was given to me by God when I was putting together my testimony once upon a long time ago now! I have been gently reminded of it again and again in recent times. Thanks for sharing it. I have had such a bad year with ministry and health in the last year that I am now stuck in the place of not wanting to do anything at all! So thanks for your encouragement!
    Love & blessings
    Honestly speaking; sometimes we need a huge shake up!

  13. gorgeous, gorgeous! i love your work.
