Sunday, February 1, 2009

What a wonderful weekend!!

Another weekend is drawing to a close.  Hard to believe how quickly they go by!! 

The Superbowl was awesome this year!! What a game!!  I totally enjoyed the National Anthem sung by Jennifer Hudson!  What a voice!!  Bruce Springsteen was fantastic too!!  I wasn't impressed with this year's commercials, but the game made up for it.  I really wasn't for one team or the other.  I just hoped for a good game and it was fantastic!!  That is the way a Superbowl should be-a contest till the end!!  

I was able to scrap quite a bit this weekend!!   It felt so good to be able to create again.  I had a long dry spell and I am so happy to have that behind me!!  I did several sketches for the So Sketchy Blog, Whoo hoo!! I just love Ally's sketches and I can't wait to show them to you!!  They will be displayed on the So Sketchy Blog over the next few days and I will post them here as soon as I can!

This week's song  is "I'll be your Mirror".  I had a blast creating a layout with the lyrics to this song!!   Purple Onion Designs is our sponsor this week and they are going to give one lucky winner a WONDERFUL assortment of unmounted rubber stamps!  I hope you will join in the fun and visit the STM blog, who knows you may win a wonderful set of stamps!!
Here is my layout for this week:
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend.  I spent time with my family and I was able to scrap.  I couldn't ask for anything more.  

This week brings changes in our household once again.  My dh will go from three 12 hour days to five 8 hour days in addition to his weekend job at the hospital.  It worked perfectly for him to work both jobs since he had Thursday - Sunday off.  Now he will be putting in hours at both jobs on Thursday and Friday.  It will be alot, but I think it will be good for him to be able to sleep in longer in the mornings!  Leaving the house at 4 was just too early!!!  I am hoping we can work out together in the mornings now.  That will be perfect!!  I will try to do my blogging at night now before I go to bed.  Hopefully we will get into a routine.  It seems like we have just been floating through each and every day and I am ready to have some stability.  It has been such a long haul over the past few months and I am sooo tired!  We both just work too much.  Hopefully things will improve with economy soon!!

I am hoping that you all have a great week.  I am trusting that our Lord and Savior will shine in your lives this week!!



  1. Oh I love your layout- this is stunning!!! The layering and colors!

  2. This is gorgeous!!!! Beautiful layout!

  3. I just loe this layout!!
    Gorgeous work, Kristi!!

  4. Very pretty layout Kristii! Glad to hear you got some scrappy time in this weekend!


  5. Glad you have your scrappin' mojo not fun to lose it, huh? Lovin' your layout...beautiful as always. BTW, thanks for posting the helpful comments on my blog. Will be getting to work on uploading projects soon! Happy Monday!

  6. Hey sweetie, I am so glad you got to scrap this weekend. Can't wait to see some of the results. And the work changes sound like they have potential to be great, but transition is always a bit hard. I recomment you read this devotion for a bit of encouragement on that front: It really helped me with issues of the economy this morning.

  7. Your girl is beautiful and so is the layout Kristii...always fabulous work from you!

    Good luck with the dh's work changes...we are a family in time transition right now too. I'll let you know how it works out!

  8. gorgeous LOs, kristii! thinking of you as things change in your house... God is with you, and I hope these changes are definitely for the better!

  9. love the layout... the colors and layering are gorgeous and what a great pic!

  10. Wow, you guys are working alot. I sure hope things pick up and it gets easier for you. Beautiful page, love the soft colors!

  11. I am sooooooooooooooooo HAPPY U had a WONDERFUL weekend....sorry about DH's new schedule though....hopefully it will all work out!!! And U know I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your STM LO! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  12. The LO is just awesome!!! It does sound like there are going to be some adjustments to make in your household. I am having surgery on the 11th and dread the face that I will be down, and I can imagine what this house is going to look like. Leave Joe in here and man he can make a mess!!! Happy Tuesday!

  13. your layout is beautiful!

    We enjoyed the super bowl here too!

  14. Very very beautiful! TFS with me. Just found your blog and will be back! Hope its okay, but I am adding your link on my blog as well. See you soon
