Monday, March 9, 2009

Can it really be Monday already??

I am looking forward to a normal week.  I have a lot to do around the house this week as well as finish several projects before we leave for Seattle on Friday!!!  Spring Break is next week, thank the Lord!!! I can't wait.  We haven't seen Beth and Matt since Christmas and I miss them tremendously!!!  I didn't get much cleaning done this weekend as the Color Me Daisy Crop was in full swing but, I will try to get caught up by Wednesday.  The crop was a great success and I have to thank everyone who particiapated!!! You rock!!!  

My week at a glance:
1.  Clean my house by Wednesday
2.  Do laundry
3.  Get my packing done by Thursday
4.  Attend the Mr. Panther Pageant on Thursday
5.  Finish next week's Scrapping the Music Layout
6.  Finish my Little Red Scrapbook layouts
7.  Finish my So Sketchy layout
8.  Leave for Seattle Friday after work!!!!

Here is my layout for this week's Scrapping the Music!!!  Some scrappable lyrics in this one!!  
I chose "Step into My World" and of course my family is in the center of my world!! I am such a lucky woman to have such an amazing family!!!  I used my February Studio Calico kit for this one!! Love those papers!!!   Hope you get to play along this week!!!

Here is a little sneak from my Little Red Scrapbook March kit.  Such a fun kit to work with!!!
I hope you were able to secure one of these kits!!!
I will be back with more later in the week!!!!

Have a fantabulous day,


  1. Love your Scrapping the Music layout! I was introduced to this site via your blog and I just love it! Time limitations are keeping me from being current with the challenges, but I am plugging along a week or so behind. Looking forward to the full reveal of your Little Red Scrapbook layout! Have a fantastic week and here's hoping your vacation prep goes smoothly...for me, I usually need the vacation as I am exhausted from getting ready to go. lol!

  2. Wow you have a busy week ahead of you. Hope you have a great time in Seattle. Your layouts are wonderful as usual. I so wish I had more time to scrap but with a little monster running around it's so hard. I have always wanted to do a STM challenge but can never fit it in. Have a great week!

  3. Great layout! Hope you are able to get everything done with no stress! And that the pagent is a lot of fun. Nice that you have the visit to Seattle to look forward to!

  4. Great sneak for LRS Kristii!! As always. Hope your week goes well and you have a great trip to Seattle!!

  5. That is such a gorgeous layout!
    Your work always makes me smile!
    Have a great day!!

  6. Mom, can't wait to see you! I really LOVE your layout...see you soon!

  7. You have a lot to do! I love your "Step into my World" layout. I like how you cut each picture into a little strip. And from the new sneak peak I love those daisy buttons!

  8. LOVE this one!!! What a great song! I may have to jump on board with this one!!! I just adore your work!!!

  9. Beautiful layout! You have a busy week. I never put scrapping on my to-do list, it freaks me out and I can't do anything. Isn't that funny? Hope you have a great week and enjoy your kiddos!

  10. Love your blog, lots of pretty pages and projects

    Happy Monday...need to make my self a list of things to do
    Seatle is sooo beautiful. Have a great time =)

  11. Wonderful LO! Love your use of ribbon!

  12. Whoa girl! You have one busy and fun week in the making. I know you can complete it all, because at the end of the week is the big prize! Have a glorious time in Seattle. Say hi to my brother for me. LOL! Oh wait....your not going there to see him. Ha!

  13. B*U*S*Y!!!!!!!!!! But the reward is at the end of the week when you get to see Beth!

    Love your layout for STM!

  14. What a pretty layout...I love the trim behind the photos!


  15. Have fun in Seattle! Love all the goodies you posted!

  16. ooohhhh I like very much my beautiful friend!!! But then I just love your blog!!!!
    Love Kathie

  17. Your sneak looks great, and that LO is FANTASTIC! Love how you cut your photos into that strip size - awesome!!

  18. Cute cute cute layout Kristii!!! And I love your sneeks, I cannot wait for the big reveal. :-) Thanks for having fun with me at the CMD crop this weekend, it was a success!

  19. oh my yes- a busy week indeed! i hope you are having a good one, though. love your page!!!

  20. Just adore you STM layout Kristii.

    Have fun visiting Beth.
