Friday, March 13, 2009

So Sketchy News

So Sketchy is having a Guest Designer Call/Contest for the month of April!!!
You can check it out here!!!

Seattle Here we come!!!

Whooo hoo!!!  We leave for Seattle today!!! I am soooo excited to see my kids!!! We haven't seen them since Christmas and I am dying to give my sweet daughter a great big squeeze!!!  We will drive to Spokane tonight and then leave for a short drive to Seattle tomorrow!!!  You should see the great big smile on my face!!!

I am almost ready!!!  I have most everything finished from Monday's list.  The house isn't as clean as I was hoping for it to be and my clothes are on my bed rather than in the suitcase but I will be ready to go this afternoon just the same!!  I can finish cleaning when I get back!!  I finished all the layouts that I was working on, whew!!!!  I wish I could post them all but I will get them posted as soon as they are posted on their respective sites!!!

Mr. Panther was a huge success!!!  It was a sold out show and the emcees were totally awesome as Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World.  Our high school english teacher totally rocked as Garth!!! He totally had me in tears a couple of times!!!  

I just have to say, my kid has rythm.  I don't know where he got it from, but he can dance!!!
The first 2 pictures are from the opening dance and garbage band scene.  Way fun!!!  
For his talent, Benny started with the chicken dance and ended up with a rapper's bird dance....Way fun!!!

He had the Miami Vice look going for his formal wear.
He had the roughneck look for his interview.
and he had the Baywatch lifeguard theme going for his swimwear competition.

It was a fantastic show and a lot of fun was had by all!!!

I hope you have a great weekend!!
I will be back in a few days!!


  1. That is hilarious Kristii!! Looks like a lot of fun...your son is a ham! Tee hee! He reminds me of little brother. Have a great time in Seattle!


  2. Those PHOTOS are AWESOME!!!! LOVEEEEEEEE it!!!!!! HAVE FUN IN SEATTLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. OMG, Ben is so funny in those pictures...ha ha ha! Love it!
    I can't wait to see you...TOMORROW!!! I love you so much Mom!

  4. Kristii, those photos rock! looks like Ben was having a blast too! Enjoy your trip and time with Beth, it's hard when you have children living away from you but makes the time you spend together that much better!

  5. How cute are those pics!!!! Your son is darn cute!!! So glad you had such a great time and hoping you have a wonderful weekend!!! Will miss you!!!! Travel safe my friend!!!

  6. Fun!

    Have Fun in Seattle!!!

  7. Kristii, the Mr. Panther pics are great!! Looks like it was a really fun time for everyone. Hope you had a wonderful trip to Seattle!!

  8. oh wow that looks like a fun event
