Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Commitment to Wellness

My friend Lisa inspired me to dedicate 30 days to a Commitment to Wellness.   Whoo hoo!!
It's about time!!  Beginning today and for the next 30 days Wellness is going to be on the forefront of my mind!!  This will not include only physical wellness, but spiritual wellness too!
I just have to determine to take better care of myself-for me and for my family!!  I want to be around a long, long time and taking better care of myself is key!!

So, before I went to bed last night I read my bible, did my bible study and drank plenty of water.  This morning I actually got my behind on that wonderful treadmill collecting dust in my basement!  Ha Ha!  Good for Me!!!   30 days of Wellness-I can do this!!!  

Mark your Calendars!!!

For those of you who live in the Bozeman area,  mark your calendars!!!  I am planning on holding an Open House in my home on Thursday May 28th!!!  There will be a free Make 'n Take, food, fun and lots of Prizes!!!!  I will be showcasing the scrapbooking goodies I have in stock from AC Bailey!!  I can't wait to get this new venture off the ground!!  I will be formally announcing the crop on Thursday, so stay tuned!!!  

I've Been Tagged!!!

Finally, I was tagged by my friend Jocelyn.....The tag is  to post one of the first LO's that I did....so promise you will not laugh!!!! I also need to tag five other ladies to play along so.....

I decided to choose one of my first Little Red Scrapbook layouts.  That was so long ago now!!!  I have literally made hundreds of layouts since this first one, but I still love this layout.  It was the first time I got out of the box and had fun scrapping and I have never looked back!!  What a ride this has been!!!  I have made so many friends and I have had the time of my life!!!  I love this craft and thanks to Jocelyn for taking me back to the early days!  I also have to say that patterned paper has come a long way too!!!  Those older papers make me chuckle...thank goodness we are all evolving!!!
I am going to tag Lisa Spiegel, Mary Jo, Carla, Lorry and Mara!!!
I can't wait to see your work from long ago!!!

I wish you all a glorious day!!!


  1. Hey Kristii! I don't know where you live or have any of your contact information, but I would love to come to your open house! =D Would you be willing to email me some details? elizabethwickland@marykay.com

    Thanks! I'm excited to see what you've put together! It's been so long since I've really scrapped. I miss it!

  2. OK, Kristii! Even your first layout is pretty darn good :0)
    I need to find my first layout and try to get a photo of it :0)

  3. Hehe, Thanks for the tag!! I have NO idea where my first ever layout was!! I'll have to do some digging! Your first LRS layout is just awesome. I'm almost embarrassed to even post mine, but I will. I think I will use the first ever heritage layout that I did for mom, since it was done shortly after I started to scrapbook. Hmm, now to find 5 people to tag!! Have a great day and I am sooo proud of you for the wellness challenge!! I may follow along with you, if I can keep the puppy out from under my feet!

  4. Kristii, I really would love to come to your open house.. lol you just need to live closer!!
    That is your first layout?? pretty impressive if you ask me.. LOL thanks for the tag wait to see what mine is.. oy! it's a doozy, I am so glad I evolved to my own style, now to find someone to tag!

  5. Woohoo for the Wellness Challenge! This is EXACTLY what I had in mind...wellness in every aspect of my life! So glad you are on board! You actually have a bit of a head start on me. I am working out the details of my goals and plan to post the specifics on Thursday. I'm amazed at how many want to join in on the fun! Great, great start!!!

    Can't say enough about your first layout! I was tagged by Jill and you can't begin to imagine how strange...odd...oh, I'll just say it...ugly it is! lol! Of course I did my first layout almost 10 years ago. Don't know who came up with this idea, but it is a cool tag.

    Hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday! And I want to thank you for always stopping by and leaving such sweet comments. It is always nice hearing from you! XOXO

  6. OH Kristii..this will be embarrassing! My first layout is from 1995!!! LOL That was before there even *was* scrapbooking as we know it! But I'll be a good sport. :-)

  7. Good luck...great goal!
    I love that LO...terrific design!

  8. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the LO!!!! Yay you did the treadmill and I too am going to do this with Lisa!!!! Have a wonderful day dear friend and thanks for playing along. You HAVE to go to Crop Suey and see what the girls did for me for my Birthday!!!!! Love ya!
