Monday, May 25, 2009

Thinking of those who Protect our Country!!

Wow, I can't believe its Memorial Day!!!  In all honesty, it has always meant the beginning of Summer!!!  Time for warm weather, picnics, drives into Yellowstone, camping....and the list goes on!  Today, it has much more significance now that my son is one of the brave young men who are willing to make a sacrifice for their country!  Don't get me wrong, I have always given thought to Veterans and how thankful I am for their sacrifice, but they weren't in the forefront of my thoughts.  That has all changed now.  It is a very sensitive subject very close to my heart!!  
I trust that our dear Heavenly Father is watching over our troops even now!!  Thank you to all those who are willing to fight for our freedom!!  I appreciate each and every one of you!

Scrapping the Music!!!!

This week's song at Scrapping the Music is absolutely fantastic to scrap!!!!  I just have to post the lyrics so you can see for yourself!!!

At twenty years of age
I'm still looking for a dream
A war is already waged for my destiny
But You've already won the battle
And You've got great plans for me
Though I can't always see, 'cause...

I got a couple dents in my fender
Got a couple rips in my jeans
Try to fit the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
And on my own I'm so clumsy
But on Your shoulders I can see
I'm free to be me

When I was just a girl
I thought I had it figured out
See my life will turn out right
And I'll make it here somehow
But things don't always come that easy
And sometimes I would doubt, 'cause...

And you're free to be you

Sometimes I believe
That I can do anything
Yet other times I think
I've got nothing good to bring

But You look at my heart and you tell me 
That I've got all You seek
And it's easy to believe, even though...

And you're free to be you

I love this song so much I think I will do another layout using these lyrics!!!  I chose to do a little poppet doll of myself based on Claudine Hellmuth's Poppets.  I altered my photo in photoshop and cut out the dress out of various patterned papers.

I used those things that I love including butterflies and birdhouses, lace and pearls.  Of course, Pink had to be a major color and I used Webster's Pages papers which are one of my favorite manufacturers.  The journaling I used was:  Perfection is my enemy, On my own I'm so clumsy, on Your shoulders I can see....I'm free to be me.

On His shoulders!! Isn't that the key in life!!!  I am free to be who He created me to be.  It doesn't matter what other's think.  In Him I can do all things and I can just be me!!  Thank you Lord for being in my life and making me who I am today!!!  I have many flaws, but He loves me just the way I am and He loves you too!!!  I hope you come and play at Scrapping the Music this week!!! This song is awesome!!!

So Sketchy and Color Me Daisy News!!!

Here is the latest sketch by Allison Cope at the  So Sketchy Blog!!!  Allison has graciously allowed us to use this sketch over at Color Me Daisy for our week #4 Sketch Challenge!!!
Here is my take on this sketch:

I just loved the Pink Paislee Papers with these pictures!!  I haven't found many papers that will work well with sports photos, but these papers were perfect!!!  Benny was pitching for his 11 year old team and he did fairly well!! Those were the days when summer was full of baseball!!!

Please stop by So Sketchy and check out Allison's sketches and then  head on over to Color Me Daisy and check out thech challenges!!!  You'll be glad you did!!

I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day!!!


  1. Beautiful tribute to our TROOPS....and love love love love the LO's Kristi!!!!!THE STM one is wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Wow girl! Love how you stepped out with that first project! So cool! And love the weaving too! Enjoy the beginning of summer since as we know it will fly by!

  3. I'm so so so in love with your layouts- amazing!!!! you are so talented!

  4. fab tribute.... i hate the fact that the event the two countries hold differ!!! I love the layouts xxx

  5. I just love your Free to be Me layout. that is so cool, love the lyrics too. thanks for sharing them!

  6. Beautiful work! Love your blog, must bookmark! :)

  7. Love love love your layouts Kristii!!
    And Happy Memorial Day xxx

  8. These are just stunning Missy K I love them both.

  9. what a great post! love the layouts as always. beautiful colors on the second one!

    hope your weekend was fab!

  10. I just LOVEEEEEEE the LO you did with is awesome. I love the little poppet and all the grat papers are stunning!!! Great use of multiple photos on your Strike Out LO!!!! That one is just great!!! You always inspire me to want to scrapbook and be spiritual!!!! What a good role model you are!!! I need to move right next door!!! Have a wonderful week sweet friend!!!

  11. Free to be me! Love that one and love your explanation of what it means to you! Fabulous!

  12. Fantastic layout Kristii, I love the poppet doll!!! So cute!!!

    Hope you had a great long weekend!

  13. Kristii, you opening words brought tears to my eyes. For whatever reason, I am more aware this year of the sacrifices made by so many.

    I must tell you your STM layout is adorable! Love how you went the way of the poppet! Too cute. Hope you week has been full of sunshine! Hugs!!!
