Sunday, August 23, 2009

Benny is Home!!!!!

What a glorious day!!! Benny arrived home from South Carolina yesterday afternoon after a long two days of traveling. Whoo hoo!!! He is soooo happy to be home!! I flew into Belgrade at 11:30 yesterday evening after a very long day of flying and I am sooooo happy to be home too!! Benny and I had a wonderful time on Family day at Fort Jackson. I cried tears of joy when I saw him for the first time!!! We toured, talked, shopped, played mini golf, bowled, and totally enjoyed our time together!! I just have to say how proud I am of my boy!!! He showed discipline and maturity and became a squad leader at the tender age of 17, what an accomplishment!!! We are so proud of you son!!!!

Benny in front of the Barraks. Isn't he handsome!!!

Benny showing off his empty bottle of detergent!! Proof he actually did his laundry!!

Graduation Day!!!
What an exciting day!!! I didn't see much of Benny on Graduation Day, but that was ok! We had such a great time on Family Day and I knew that I would see him at home very soon!!!

Life will return to normal tomorrow as I go back to work at the school!! I am sooo ready to get back into a routine!! Benny will be going to soccer practice tomorrow morning at 8:00, whoo hoo!!!! I think it is all going to work out and Benny couldn't be happier!!

With my late arrival into town yesterday, I wasn't able to finish up my Scrapping the Music layout until late tonight. I will take pictures of it tomorrow and get it posted asap!!!

I hope you all have a great day!!



  1. So wonderful you got to see him!!! I love the detergent photo - LOL!

  2. What a handsome young man! Congratulations....enjoy these precious moments!

  3. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! He is soooooooooooooooo handsome!! LOVE the "ALL" photo....his little grin is ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):)

  4. Congratulations to the both of you...him for all his accomplishments and you for being such an amazing mom! I'm so glad you got to spend time with him and he is now home. I definitely know how joyous a day homecoming day is. Love all the pics...especially the empty detergent bottle pic! LOL! Hope you have a wonderful week back at work! xoxo L

  5. So glad he is back safe! Can't wait to hear all about how he has grown through this experience! And I'm praying for you and your return to work. May God bless your work and bring prosperity to your family through your efforts!

  6. Thanks for sharing the pictures of Ben! I want to see more!!! Love you Mom :)

  7. Kristii, I am so happy for you! You should be very proud of him, and he should be proud, too!

  8. I am glad you have your son back home!!!!! He is so handsome and grown up!!!!! I know your heart is filled with happiness!!! Good luck with starting back to work!!!!! Enjoy your day and may it be filled with smiles!!! :)

  9. Congratulations Benny!!!

    So glad you have him back home to put your arms around.

  10. That is great Kristii!!! I bet you all are so very proud of him! Glad the trip went well and you had a wonderful time too!

  11. Aww, that is so exciting, kristii! You've raised a fine young man (and he is handsome too :-)!

  12. Oh Kristii, that is so wonderful you have your boy home. Sounds like he did an amazing job, you should be proud!!

    And looking forward to your layout, as always!!
