Sunday, December 13, 2009

Only 12 more days!!!

Hi everyone!! I can't believe there are only 12 more days until Christmas...which also means less than two weeks until my kids come home from Seattle!! I just can't wait!! It's going to
be such a wonderful time having them home! It's a good thing I have 12 days still, I still have so much to do!! Decorations still need to go up, baking still needs to be done and stocking stuffers still need to be purchased! I am starting on candy making today with some Rocky Road fudge.
It is the easiest candy to make and one of the tastiest too!! Yum!!!

I have been working on some fun Christmas Cards today with Papertrey Ink Vintage Ornament Stamps. I am so loving this stamp set, but then these days I am loving anything Vintage!!! I used some Basic Grey Eskimo Kisses patterned papers and my favorite red check ribbon. The greenery is a MCGill Punch and I also added some fruit punch Stickles for sparkle.
Of course I had to do something fun inside:

I have one last layout to share with you from the Scrapping the Music Challenge. The Scrapping the Music challenge is my very favorite challenge site and the layouts I do for STM are usually motivated from the depths of my heart and this layout is no exception. The song that was used was called Love, Me. Of course, I had to turn it around and do a layout based on the love my sweetie and I share. We are so lucky even after 25 years of marriage to have the love that we have for each other and I do believe our Faith in God plays a big part in the fact that we are still in Love after all these years......I do know that he will always Love Me!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!
I hope you have a wonderful evening!!
Merry Christmas,


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh how FUN!!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the YUMMY candy, the card and that LO Kristii!!!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Yes FUN!!!!!! Love the cards and the LO and the yummies...oh my I need some of that right now!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful week!! :-)

  3. Beautiful layout Kristii!! I'm so excited you are having all your family together for Christmas! I wish I could be with mine :-(
    Cute card, love the inside too.
    Have a great week getting ready.

  4. That card is freaking fabulous Kristii!! Loving the vintage ornament stamp! And the layout is super beautiful too! Hope you are keeping warm my friend! HUGS!


  5. absolutely gorgeous card!! Hope you have a great week! Hugs♥

  6. Kristii, as always, your card and layout are both soooo awesome!!! You are one VERY talented lady! I love seeing all your work and you are a big inspiration to me, in scrapping and everything I read in your blogs. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family and enjoy your time with your kids over the holidays!!
