Monday, January 4, 2010

Wishing you

Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you all had a joyous holiday season!!!
Our holiday season was absolutely amazing!! Beth and Matt surprised us by arriving about 5 hours early on Christmas Eve. We still had some preparations to finish up...but it didn't matter! We were so happy to see them!!! We spent the holidays eating, playing games, shopping, going to movies, laughing and crafting together!! I am so very thankful for my family!! Words cannot express the joy in my heart. I am very blessed indeed!! I just have to share some pics of my girls while we were busy creating some roses out of Tim Holtz' Grungeboard. A big thank you to Tim Holtz for the tutorial!!! My girls thought they would be too hard...but they were amazed at their creations!! They did an awesome job!!
Here's Heidi clipping her flower...
and Bethany doing the same.
These are Heidi's roses...didn't she do an awesome job???
This is our finished project. The picture is of my mom and her sisters taken in 1945. We took our finished roses and glued them to a frame along with some Prima Pearls, Tim Holtz Ideaology snaps, keys, locks, and tickets and some random buttons and lace. Way Fun!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!



  1. Happy, happy New year, Kristii!! :0)

  2. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww kristii!!! awesome photos and awesome flowers!!!!! sooooooooooooooooooo glad u had a wonderful christmas! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Happy New year!! those flowers are beautiful!! Glad you and your family had a wonderful holiday together and you and the girls got some creating time in together!!
