Sunday, July 18, 2010

Matt's Birthday Adventure

Today is our favorite SIL's birthday!!! So we decided to take him birthday shopping. What better place to go birthday shopping than REI?
We couldn't get Matt to decide what he wanted for his birthday!

We tried......
and we tried.....
Kristii got tired of waiting....
and picked out some cute goodies for herself!!! (Go Mom!!!)

We got so tired waiting for Matt to speak up...
so we went to the newest hot spot for lunch!!!!
We tried to get Matt to decide on a beer, so we decided for him!!!
After eating such a wonderful lunch, we were stuffed and sleepy, so we took him to our favorite coffee shop....
Where we enjoyed Matt and Beth's company!!!
We love you Matt and Beth and wish we were close enough to actually spend your birthdays with you!! We hope you enjoyed Matt's birthday adventures....we certainly did!!!

Your Family!!!


  1. This is sooooooooooo FUN!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee that you carried the photo everywhere!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. This post totally Rocks!!! Love the adventure... thanks for sharing such an awesome idea! I hope Matt finally found something he liked :-) I totally agree it's hard to be away from loved ones on their special days, but this definately was a fun one!

  3. That's great Mom! Coffee was great, had a good time with you ;)...
