Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Mail and Scrapping the Music

Happy Thursday evening dear friends!!! I hope you have had a wonderful week!!! My week has been exhausting and I have been nursing a cold, but it has been absolutely wonderful!!! I just love the first days of school!!! The new freshmen and the newness of it all just get me all excited and ready to tackle the days!!! We've had many new visitors to the high school library and many familiar faces as well. I just love it!! I am so looking forward to this year and I plan to "bloom where I am planted"!!! Things may not have worked out the way I had planned, but I am determined to make the most of where I am at right now!!! I hope you experience a freshness in your coming days and decide to "bloom where you are planted as well"!!! A change of perspective is like a breath of fresh air! I hope you remember that you are amazing and you are "where you are" for a reason and a purpose my friend!!! If we encourage one another in this race of life, we will make it through each and ever turn we face!!! I am thankful for each and every one of you who visit my blog!!! You are so very special!!!

Happy Mail!!!!!

Whooo hoo!!!! I had a visit from my friendly Fed Ex delivery man and he delievered my prize package from my favorite company ever...Webster's Pages!!!!! I received the gorgeous Wonderfall Line and some very pretty Sparkler's to match!!! I am so excited!!! I haven't been able to buy any new paper for quite a while and this is such a treat!!! I just love Webster's Pages!!! Now, I have to decide what to make with these beautiful papers....decisions, decisions....

I also had another surprise blessing....I was a winner in the Papertrey Ink Blog Hop!!!! I am so excited....I just loved my project and it blesses my heart that so many others liked my work as well!!! You can see the announcement here on Nichole's Blog!!!! I was able to choose any stamp set for my prize and I decided to choose the Leaf Prints stamps and you can see them here. Whooo hooo!!!!! I have been blessed!!!

Scrapping the Music #149

This week's song at Scrapping the Music is Love Shack by the B-52's....Way fun song!!! Michelle has giving us some awesome inspiration week in and week out!!! Michelle you rock!!!! I decided to use the lyrics "Love Rules", since love totally rules in our family!!!!! My dad took this picture the weekend before Benny left and our family was all together...Thanks Dad!!! I treasure each and every photo!!!!

Here is a close-up:

Supplies used: Patterned Papers: Sassafras Lass, October Afternoon, My Mind's Eye; Stickers:Sassafras Lass; Florals: Prima; Alphas: Sassafras Lass and Cosmo Cricket; Mist: Tattered Angels and Tim Holtz Distress Ink; Punch: Martha Stewart.

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful Friday!!!
Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Wooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo for the happy mail!! That is awesome!!!! I love love love love your stm lo!!!! You are sooooooooooooooo talented Kristii, and I am beyond proud to work with you... :):):):):):):):):):):):):) I hope you feel better! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Now THAT is serious Happy Mail!! I sure need to talk to my Fed-ex guy cuz he needs to be bringing me cool stuff like that too! LOL LOVE the layout and the photos is just super! Have a wonderful weekend! =0)

  3. Kristii! You definatley will BLOSSOM where ever you land! You are an amazing woman! I love your blog and the positive inspiration you always embrace in troubled times!~ Love the photos, and how blessed to have a great family photo to share also! Hope you have a great weeknd!

  4. Beautiful page !! Great colours and a lot of gorgeous details :o)

    Wish you a great weekend :o)

  5. Yay for the Happy Mail!!!!! YUMMY!!!!

    So sorry that you have a cold...yuck!!! Sounds like a busy week!!!!

    I am wishing you the very are such an inspiration and I admire the positive that you find in everything!!!! Love you girlie!!!
