Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Thursday!!!

Wishing you all a very happy day!!!!
I had some very happy news this week!!!! A card set of mine was chosen for publication in Cards February 2011 edition!!!! Whooo hooo!!! Some very good news to cheer me up!!! I am sooooo excited!!!

I heard from Benny this week!!! He is doing fine and is finally in his Company and is doing very well!!! You should see my face whenever he calls!!!! I know that I smile from ear to ear!!! I am so proud of our boy!!!!

I have been playing with my Papertrey Ink Stamps and having a blast!!! I have a dear friend who shared some homemade jam with me and I made her this card of thanks!! The jam was absolutely delicious!!!!

Supplies used:
Bazzill Cardstock
Jillibean Soup patterned paper scraps
Papertrey ink stamps: Friendship Jar
Papertrey Ink dies and felt
Papertrey and Memento Ink
Kaiser Craft jewel
Buttons and jute from my stash

I have been working on Tim's Tags over the past couple of weeks, however, I wanted to let you all know that due to technical difficulties, I will not be able to share them with you this week at Simply Fresh Arts. Please email me at if you are still interested in learning these techniques and we'll see if we can work something out.

Thanks for stopping by!!!
I appreciate you tremendously!!!



  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh CONGRATS on the PUB Kristii!! That is AWESOME!! And I love love love love love that card!! The red is GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)):)

  2. Happy for the deserve it....

    I adore that card...the colors are soooo perfect!!!

    Wishing you a great day sweet friend!!!

  3. I would love to get together and learn your techniques, but I can't do that until October. Maybe a weekend evening together to craft and share life (when your sweety is working of course so we don't cut into your time with him). We'll have to coordinate something.

  4. Oh, and congratulations on the card pub! That is so wonderful! You are so talented that it doesn't surprise me, but I'm glad the rest of the world will get to see your talent!
