Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today is the second anniversary of my mom's passing. Just thinking about it makes my heart very heavy. I miss her. Things are just not the same without your mom!
What makes my heart even more sad, is that today is also the funeral of a dear coworker and friend, Margaret Gray. She succumbed to the very same disease that took my mom, Cancer. What a rotten and wicked disease cancer is. However, God is Good, and it is so comforting to know that they are Home where they belong. They are no longer suffering and there are no more tears. Hallelujah and Praise the Lord!!!May the Lord comfort loved ones today and may the love of friends and family carry us through!

I made a couple of cards last night and I can't tell you how theraputic it is to create when your heart is heavy!!! Thank you Lord for the outlet you have given me!!! It truly helps my heart in so many ways!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. What beautiful cards. My heart is with you today, I can only imagine the sadness you are feeling. May God bless you...

  2. I a sending you HUGS today sweet friend!!!! I hate this has such devestating effects on all of us...I am myself fight with the fear it coming back and now several friends are in this battle!!!!!

    Thank you for sharing with us today!!! Your cards are stunning!!!!

    Love you sweet friend!!! :-)

  3. Sending hugs your way Kristii!! You look soooooooooooooo much like your Mama!! I loveeeeeeeeeee those cards! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. I'm sorry for the loss of your mom and your friend.

    Your cards are wonderful. I love the tree images. They seem to conjure up strength and comfort.
