Monday, March 28, 2011

Sticky Business....

Good evening my friends. I have been a little under the weather today, but my heart is full none the less. Spring is such a wonderful time of the year. When you look around you see the promise of the new growth and the warm weather that is to come. Renewal. Not only in those things around me, but also in my heart! Thanks be to God for his Indescribable Gift!

With the emergence of Spring comes the joy of making Easter Goodies! This weekend I thought it would be fun to decorate some paper mache eggs I found at Michaels. I thought it would be fun to decoupage some vintage hymnal papers onto them and it was a relatively easy process.

Here's the finished project! Don't these sweet little egges decorate my basket perfectly?
I started with some paper mache eggs, modge podge, and torn squares of paper.
I coated the eggs with modge podge. (You may want to use gloves for this's pretty sticky business, lol!) I adhered the paper squares with the modge podge and it works well to coat the paper with modge podge as you go. The hymnal paper was nice and thin and molded to the egg quite nicely.
As you cover the egg with the paper, saturate the paper with modge podge and use your fingers to smooth the paper onto the egg.
Decorate your finished eggs as desired.
I used some Prima and Recollections roses and some Papertrey Twill Ribbon.

Such a fun and easy little project with fantastic results!!!

Thanks for stopping by! Remember that You are Special and I appreciate you!!


  1. That basket with eggs are so pretty! Happy Spring!

  2. You really know how to do vintage Kristii. Those eggs are adorable. I have seen them at Michaels but haven't tried that technique before. Thanks for showing me how its done!

  3. OHHHHHHHHHHHH Kristii....these are just perfect...Now I want to run out and get some of those eggs!!!

    LOVE IT!!!

    Thanks for the How To!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful day!! :-)

  4. Such an AWESOME idea! loveeeeeeee how they turned out!! And I hope you feel better!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. I love them Kristii, I think I could make this. adding eggs to my Michaels shopping list!

  6. What a fun idea Kristii! Your basket is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  7. This is just perfect. I've been wanting to have a crafty project to do with my 9 year old. Something that we could put out each year and remember the time we spent. This is it. Thanks Kristii!

  8. Kristi: You are so creative! Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful idea for Easter!

  9. Kristi, you are so creative! Thank you for sharing. What a great Easter idea!

  10. Kristii what a great idea! Hope you won't mind if I left it...I remember doing this same thing but with colored tissue paper back when my girls were in GS..oh 15 or so years ago!
