Thursday, January 26, 2012

Little Red Scrapbook BLOG HOP

Welcome to Little Red Scrapbook's "Out with the Old, In with the New" Blog Hop!  With the start of the new year we all like to set goals and think of new ways to get organized.  With this in mind our talented Design Team has come up with some fun challenges that may help you get started.

Here's the scoop:

STEP 1:  First you will need to leave a comment on the LRS blog and tell us what goal or organization idea you have for the New Year.  This will not only inspire all of us with your goal or idea, but it will also get your name entered into a random drawing for a chance to win the blue colored inspired “hodgepodge” prize. Pretty easy so far right!    

STEP 2: Second you will need to visit all FIVE blogs and leave a comment on EACH blog.  This is important so we know you have been to all of the blogs.  If you have left a comment on each of the blogs your name will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win the orange colored inspired “hodgepodge” prize.  Another easy peasy way to win!

STEP 3: Once you’ve done that, you will need to check out our Facebook page, and LIKE us. This will put your name in another random drawing for a chance to win the green colored inspired “hodgepodge” prize.   

STEP 4: For a chance to win the Love LRS Grand Prize head on over to our message board and say hello, then upload your project and/or layout for any of the design team challenges posted on their blogs to the “2012 Out with the Old, In with the New” gallery. The Blog Hop challenges will run from January 27th until midnight January 30th. You can enter as many times as you like. You do not need to be a subscriber to participate. The more entries, the more chances you have to win!

Then on February 1st, be sure to check out our Facebook page, or visit the LRS community or the LRS blog to see if you are one of the lucky winners!  

Now to the fun part of my post:

One of my favorite things to do when the new year arrives is to choose a Word of the Year.  "A word that would basically encompass my goals and define what I am striving to do or become during the year." This year, the word I've chosen is "Trust".  This word will hold many meanings for me in 2012.  The greatest being "trusting in the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul and strength".  The greatest test of this will be when my son leaves to serve with the U. S. Army Military Police in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.  It is my hope that in the year 2012, I will grow in my faith and Trust in the Lord rather than lean on my own understanding.  

My Challenge for you is to create a project using your "Word of the Year".
The next stop on the Hop is my dear friend Nikki!!
Good Luck and I hope you have a lot of fun playing along!!


  1. great word, kristii, and so meaningful! gorgeous layout!

  2. Your layout is beautiful and I think the word you choose for 2012 is wonderful!

  3. Beautiful LO! I love all of your layering. I pray that your son returns safely. Our nephew did two tours in Afganistan and thankfully returned safely. I hope the same is true for you!

  4. Love your Layout Kristii!

    I think we all need a bit more trust in our lives!!

  5. Kristii, what a beautiful word and inspirational!

  6. Thank you to you and your family for your son's service. Thoughts and prayers for his safety. :-) My word for the year is to create a layout with it.

  7. nice layout. i love all of your little medallions! thank you for sharing.

  8. Your layout is beautiful!! I have been trying to think of a word for the past couple of weeks...I am going back & forth between succeed and commit. I guess I should choose soon?! Ha!
    Thanks for the hop!

  9. Beautiful layout Kristii!! And what a strong word to choose! I have mine ready, and its something that I have been telling myself for years and just never seem to be able to follow it too well. Maybe this year will be my year. I will post my layout when I get it done. Happy hopping!!!

  10. Super cute layout! Praying for your son!

  11. Beautiful layout! Many thanks to your son for serving. :-)

  12. Love your layout and the work you chose for this year.

  13. Your lo is great. Love all the little details!

  14. What a great word to focus on, and your layout was beautiful!
    This was a great challenge, and I was really inspired to do a layout of my own. I will probably not be done this weekend, but thanks for the inspiration.

  15. Great word Kristii. Beautiful layout too.

  16. What a beautiful to choose my word!

  17. Love your page and idea of choosing a word for the year! Thank you for the great idea and page inspiration!

  18. Kristii, what a meaningful word and inspiring layout. I love your challenge and will be creating a layout using my word. I will keep your son and family in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Beautiful layout- I love all the different embellishments you chose. Thanks for sharing it!

  20. Love your layers, Kristii!!! That is definitey one of the techniques I lift the most!!

  21. I love your word...I think we could all learn to trust more in the Lord. Be blessed and I will be praying for your son.

  22. Great layout Kristii. And Thank you for having a son serving in our military...
    I chose the word Change this year because in the past couple of years I have had so much of it that I can't handle it. So I want to embrace it because Change is always happening...

  23. You have SO many ideas on your site! I just love all of them. I'm officially a follower. ;) My word...Faith. I like this idea.

  24. love your word of the year layout! good choice
