Friday, March 23, 2012

Family Memories

Happy Friday Sweet Friends!!  Its been a long week and I am soooo thankful that Friday is finally here!!  We traveled to Seattle for a long weekend vacation last week and we had the best time!!  I think we are still paying for it today, though.  We are so tired.  I think that even more than being tired, however, is the fact that I  miss my kids!!!  Don't get me wrong, I'm loving being empty nested!  My sweetie and I are growing together and enjoying each other's company tremendously!!  I do have to say that the empty nested days are great for a marriage!!  But, in all reality, I miss family get togethers.  Those days we would get together and play games and laugh and just share in the joy of being a family!  So, in my wistfulness, I decided to pull out an old layout and celebrate once again those days of family bliss!!

When our kids moved to Seattle, we really did leave a part of our hearts there with them!!  We had such a great time visiting Seattle and exploring the area as a family!!  What great days those were!!  I guess the moral of my story today is:

Cherish your family for they are your treasure. A storehouse of riches.....wealth beyond measure.

I hope you have a great day!! As for me, I will go and text my kids and tell them how much I love them!!


  1. I hear and feel you COMPLETELY! We are fortunate to have such awesome families, and now combined! lol Love the Seattle collage! Have a great weekend!
