Thursday, May 3, 2012

Miss You Mom!!

Hi there dear friends!! I hope you are all well today!!  My mom is on my mind  as today would have been her 67th birthday.  Words cannot express how much I miss her and wish she were still here with us!!  I miss you mom!!
How come
you never get over
missing your Mom?
How come years later
you still can't wait to
tell her something
before you remember
how long she has been gone?
How come every time
you see something beautiful
you think "Oh my Mom
would love this."
And every time
there is a hurt so big
your heart can't hold it
she is the first one you need.
Every joy that comes
could only be better
if you could
share it with her.
Those words are so very true!!  My heart will always miss you mom!! 
Thanks for letting me take a minute to honor my mom!!!


  1. This is beautiful Kristii! I think this very thing every day......I miss my mom so much......she would be 67 as well. She was taken too soon!

  2. This photo of you and your mum is so tears in my eyes after reading your lines.

  3. Kristii, It is so true, you never get over losing your mom,it has been almost ten years since I lost my mom. So many things throught the day makes me think of her. I'm sure with it being your mom's birthday, and then Mother's day right around the corner, makes this a very though month for you.{{hugs}}

  4. Very beautiful heartfelt words, Kristi! The bond between Mother and daughter is very special. Sending warm thoughts and hugsss your way, take care!

  5. Your post made me teary today. Moms are truly a wonderful gift.

  6. Kristii, your words are so true. I was recently talking to a student about the loss of my mother when I was in high school (over 40 years ago) and became teary. How lucky we are to have had such mothers. What a sweet photo of the two of you. Hugs

  7. Thanks for encouraging me to take a moment to remember my mother! Your words express my thoughts so well! Happy Mother's Day to you.
