Friday, August 24, 2012

Little Girls and Pink Paislee

Oh sweet friends, I want to say happy Friday, but it's the last Friday before school starts.  I am so not ready this year.  I have been so busy creating and hiking, I haven't had time to do all the other things I wanted to get done before school starts!  Oh well, who wants to clean anyway? Not me obviously!!
I've been creating another class with Pink Paislee's London Market Line using Lisa Pace's Sweet Little Girls Stamps by Pink Persimmon.  I think the Sweet Little Girls stamps are my all time favorite stamps ever!!  They are so sweet and so aptly named!!  If you haven't seen them yet, here they are:
They absolutely tickle my heart they're so cute!!  I decided it would be fun to make a little gift project with these cutie pies!
 I searched the internet for a poem and found this one by Karen Barnes.  I just love coloring these sweet little girls!!  Brings out my inner child if you know what I mean!!

The frame is from Target  and I added some little scallops around the edge of the print using PTI's Heart Border Die.

I used the following Copics:
What a fun little gift to give to a new mom or a family with daughters!!

Thanks for stopping by!!
I wish you an absolutely fabulous day,


  1. As a mumma to 2 little girls, I LOVE THIS!!!

    I do love those stamps, they are so pretty and feminine and perfectly vintage.

    Beautiful project, Kristii!!

    (PS: Cleaning is WAY overrated anyway...)

  2. So adorable and sweet...reminds me of the dolls I had as a child, just beautiful and you talent for coloring is just amazing in it's self.
