Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pink Persimmon Fun and More Pink Paislee Kits!!

Hi there dear friends!!  I've been working like crazy putting together some more Pink Paislee Kits for sale and I still have two more left!! If you were wanting one of these kits, head on over to my Etsy store and get yours before they are all gone forever!!
I've also been working on a second Pink Paislee kit featuring Pink Persimmon stamps for my dear sweet friend Lisa and here's one of the cards that I've made for the kit:
I just love Lisa Pace's Sweet Little Girls and paired with Pink Paislee's London Market Papers....well, the combination just makes me happy!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by!!!  I'll be back soon with more Glitz Design and Pink Persimmon goodness!!!  You are all the best and I appreicate you tremendously!!!


  1. I thought of you yesterday as my 4 year old pulled out this set and made a tiny card with it. And you know what she did? Pointed to my Copics and said "I need markers like those ones..." (meaning: No more crayola for me please, Mum). So I gave her the coloured sharpies we have; she actually took 2 shades of pink and blended them together to shade the little doll's dress!! Anyway - it made me think of your project that included the little poem about girls, and how much you love this set!! <3

  2. I just love that card...everything about it!

  3. How did I miss this... such an adorable card.
