Sunday, April 14, 2013

Crafty Peeps Card Kit Club

Happy Sunday dear friends!  I'm so sorry I've been non-existent on my blog the last couple of weeks.  I have been crazy at work and I've been busy making 160 Wedding Invitations for a friend of my daughter.  The invitations were a lot of fun to create, but they did take all of my time!  They are on their way to Washington today and I'm hoping she loves them!! 
They are a nice little pocket panel with an RSVP and Directions card in the pocket and the Wedding Invitation is on the front side.  Here's a photo of all 160 of them and some little thank you's I made just for fun!
Photo: 160 wedding invitations on their way to Washington! Whooo hoo!
The minute I finished the invitations, I picked up my new card kit that my sweet friend Merry sent.  Thank you so much Merry!!!  Its a beautiful kit and I am so thankful to be a part of this kit club!!
Here's the first kit from Merry:

Here's my first card from the kit:
Merry included some pretty little flowers and cute little sentiment pieces in the kit!  I love them.  Of course, I am still in the polka dot mode.  I used my PTI Polka Dot Basics for the background and added the sweet little Enchanted Evening Ric Rac Border that she included.  I love it!!

I will be posting more cards soon!!  I am dying to spend an evening just playing with my goodies!! 

Thanks for stopping by!!
I will have more cards to post very soon!!


  1. They're gorgeous Kristii!!
    I love the craft and wait for it...
    my most favoritest color in the whole wide world...
    navy!! :)
    Simply perfect!
    And what a fabulous kit Merry sent...
    such a gorgeous card...
    love those polka dots! :)

  2. I love your card with the sweet navy polka dots! Can't wait to see what else you make with the kit-- you have such a great style!

  3. Love your card and what a lovely kit! Such a pretty color scheme!
