Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Saturday!!

I want to take a minute and say "thank you" to the most wonderful group of ladies that took my class this morning!!! I enjoyed each and every one of you!! Your cards, envelopes and pockets turned out fantastic!!! I loved all of your ideas and came home with a few new ideas myself!! Thank you again!!!

Here are the projects and please feel free to print them out and make them again. I hope to see your spin on this class. Please share your ideas and finished projects with me!!! I can't wait to see what you will create!!


  1. Kristii - I copied this post onto the KBD blog. I hope that's okay!! If not let me know and I will take it down, but I loved what you had to say to the women in your class and I think your cards are beautiful! Thank you so much for inspiring us with your work!

  2. Kristii - it was great to have you and the ladies in the store today - made my day more fun, that's for sure! Keep up the good work! You are obviously a fabulous teacher with so much to offer the students! Your next class is already full! Wow! that is a rare thing! GREAT JOB! See you Monday!
