Monday, February 18, 2008

Scripture Challenge #4

I am somewhat behind in posting for this challenge, but I am going to keep plugging away. Life just so gets in the way!!! I am learning though, to put those things more important than sitting on this computer, first. I will always be able to post, but my family is growing and changing and I need to treasure the time I have now.
The word for challenge #4 is wait. I decided to use the verse,

We wait for hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his Holy Name. Ps. 33:20-21

My sweet daughter is struggling some away at school and I wanted to do a layout to encourage her. So this one is for you Heidi! He is always there....even if it seems otherwise and He cares for you!!! I love you!!


  1. Great layout! Love how you used the buttons!

  2. This and all the other Scripture challenge layouts are so beautiful and heartfelt! What a treasure for you and for your family to have now and in the future!

  3. beautiful. I need to do this challenge.

  4. This is a lovely LO. I'd love to try some of these challenges. CAn you let me know the blog addres please.

  5. this is just gorgeous! i love the colors and the photo! :)
