Monday, February 25, 2008

Wow! I finally got to play!

I decided to spend some time last night scrapping for fun! (Imagine that!!!) I had a blast. My challenge was to Scraplift a friend of mine, the amazing Laura Fiore. I wanted to do a layout that told the story of Heidi getting stranded at home for two days when she was on her way back to school in Spokane. She had the choice of going ahead and flying on to Denver and sleeping in the Denver airport for 2 days before there would be an available flight, or adding another stop in Seattle and leaving from home in two days. Of course she opted for the latter. It was rough being 2 days late for Jan term- like missing 2 weeks of school, but she caught up and all was well. What a fun story to tell after the fact!!!

I also finished a card for the CPS sketch and I will post it in the next couple of days!

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