Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Another Announcement!!!

I am so thrilled to say that I have been asked to be on the Color Me Daisy inaugural Design Team! Whoo hoo!! I am going to be a Daisy Girl! I am very excited for this opportunity and look forward to working with an amazing group of ladies! Color Me Daisy is in its beginning stages and it is very exciting to see it bloom and come together. Michelle says that the website is nearing completion and she is waiting on one last shipment for the August debut!! You can check out their new website here-ColorMeDaisy.


  1. That is wonderful, Kristii! I am so excited for you!

  2. Wow! You are just the design team go to girl these days! So fun! And you are so talented that I'm sure you will have many more fun opportunities like this!

  3. Hi Kristii! I can't wait to get to know you too! And I'm really reassured that there's another Christian on the team! Congrats on making it! I can't wait to get started! :D

  4. Congrats! I look forward to getting to know you better! :)

  5. How exciting! The first kit looks great!

  6. Congrats!!!! I tried out for this one but didn't make it!
