Monday, July 7, 2008

Its a Happy Day!!!

The sun is shining and the birds are chirping, it definitely is a happy day!!

I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th. Mine was different than usual. My kids were all gone in different directions, so we had a very quiet weekend. We had a barbecue with some friends and then Heidi and Ben came home later in the evening and were able to shoot off some spectacular fireworks together. Wouldn't you know, I don't have any photos to show for it. Gotta keep my camera handy at all times!!

This week will be a quiet one. My sweet hubby will be off on Saturday to go to Washington with the youth group for a mission trip. Heidi will be going to Washington to visit with friends. That means I have laundry to catch up on so they can pack. Ben and I will be home alone this weekend and I am sure we will find a movie or two to go to. Today I have to clean my house. It is in dire need of attention. I also have to weed and some scrapping to do. Ok, so much for the quiet day... I better get busy!!

Hopefully, I will have some exciting news to share soon. I can't wait to spill the beans!!
Until then, have a great day!!


  1. More exciting news? I can't wait! Sounds like a nice weekend. Your days sound like mine.

  2. More exciting news? I feel like you are famous already! Are you going to get more so? You are such a good scrapper! Keeping busy may make keeping the secret a bit easier!

  3. Glad you had a nice holiday! Can't wait to hear your news.
