Friday, February 6, 2009

Finally Friday!!!

Aaaah, it is finally Friday!!  I am home for the day and I am going to try to get a lot done!!
I have to go grocery shopping, vacuum, sweep and mop, do laundry, work on taxes, and I have 4 layouts and 4 cards that I need to get done.  It is funny, but this list is not that much different than the one I posted the other day.  The difference is I have a little more time.  I am going to take full advantage of the time I have been given today and get busy!!

I have one layout to post today.  This is one I did for my LSS, I just keep forgetting to post it.  I needed to mix things up a bit, because I have been in a Kraft rut for a while.  The last 4 out of 5 layouts I used kraft paper as my base and I am determined to use some different papers today!!
This layout uses lots of K & Co. goodies including the beautiful Lotus flower stamps, some Prima Bling, Making Memories Alphas, and May Arts Ribbon.  My sweet Heidi is about 4 years old here.  Isn't she a beauty???  I just love that little bashful look!!!
I hope you all have a great weekend!! I am going to go and get busy all the while singing "Love Song for a Savior" by Jars of Clay:

He's more than the laughter or the stars in the heavens
As close a heartbeat or a song on our lips
Someday we'll trust Him and learn how to see Him
Someday He'll call us and we will come running
and fall in His arms and the tears will fall down and we'll pray,
I want to fall in love with you....

Praying you will fall in love with Him all over again today,


  1. stunning LO Kristii! I mean, gorgeous!! Hope you get done all that you need to today! Oh, and keep the reminders coming..i need'em! ;) :D

  2. Wowee...that is an oodle of eye candy. Just gorgeous. The photo is sweet. What a cutie. I like the bashful look, too.

    Have a beautiful day...oops, make that weekend! I love Fridays!

  3. Your layouts are always beautiful!

  4. Beautiful layout Kristii...I just love the gorgeous accents you used on it!

    I am the same way about layouts (when I ever actually do any)...except my go to color is the orange peel textured white Bazzill. I can't seem to make a layout without it!


  5. That is one of my most favorite songs...
    love the layout, especially the lettering.. very cool
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. It is a great layout! I pray for you a productive and joyful day!

  7. Oh Kristii, I just adore the LO!!! The textures and details are just wonderful!!!! Of course when you have the perfect pic, it makes it much easier!!!! I so adore your work, and I admire your faith and thank you passing it on to me today!!! I have been struggling, but when I read your posts, I feel uplifted. We have lost out regular Pastor and things are so out of sort, that I am drifting, so thank you for your posts and dedication. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  8. i LOVE this layout!!! I put it on my blog today!

  9. So beautiful, love Amy butler on here! You are so good at layering, maybe you can teach me. I feel your pain with being in a crafting rut, I'm stuck on white cardstock. It's painful! That's for all your comments on my layouts, they mean alot to me.

  10. Beautiful lo!!! Cute photo!! Love all the layers!!!

    Hope you get everything done!!!

  11. Gorgeous LO Kristii!!! Hope you have a productive weekend! BTW, I need to get me some Kraft paper! :-)

  12. you are one busy gal! hope your weekend is great, kristii!

    that layout is at the top of my list of favs of yours (and my list is quite long LOL!) just beautiful!!

  13. Absolutely stunning LO! I think it's one of my all-time favs! Love all of the details and colors you mixed together!

  14. What a beautiful layout and the darling photo just makes it shine! Hope you are having a fantastic weekend. Thank you for your uplifting and much needed inspiration!

  15. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww Kristi!!!! That is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEEE that photo, the title...and loveeeeeeeee the colors!!!!!!!! Hpe U had a GREAT day and lots accomplished! :):):):):):):):):):):):)
