Thursday, February 5, 2009

Good Morning!!!

Its Friday!!  Ok so it really is Thursday, but I am off tomorrow!!!  Doing a happy dance here!!!
I get to wear jeans to work today which makes me really happy too!!  That is definitely something I miss about being a stay at home mom, comfortable clothes!!   Today is school spirit day, so I will be right in my element!! Whoo hoo!!!

The last layouts by the 2008 So Sketchy DT were posted on the So Sketchy Blog today.  Here is the sketch:
I hope you get a chance to check out the DT's work!  It is amazing!  I decided to do a comparison layout of my boy.  What a cutie he is!!  He doesn't like flowers on his layouts and if you keep up with my work, you know I love flowers and embellishments.  This was tricky for me.  I decided to use my October afternoon stamps and make a tree and thought the fence and clouds would complete the ensemble.  Don't know if it works, but there are no flowers!  lol!!  I love his little baby face!! How can it be that my baby is nearly a man???  Boy do I feel old!!  
I used some scraps from my Studio Calico kits for this one!! I just love Studio Calico!!

Last but not least I was given an award by Kathie!!  Thank you Kathie!!!! You totally made my day!!

I am going to pass this award on to:
Tonya, my fellow So Sketchy Sista, whose layouts are totally amazing!!
Carla,  my fellow scrapper at Little Red Scrapbook!  Loving your blog girl!!
Jocelyn,  my new friend whose blog is absolutely awesome!!

You all inspire me!!

Thank you for stopping by!! Your comments mean the world to me!!!
Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say Rejoice!
Hope you have a great day!!



  1. You so rocked that sketch!!!!!Love it!

  2. I love it that you have posted so much this week! Love your layouts!

  3. Awww, that is so sweet of you to leave me that award!! Your layout rocks, girl, like they all do! You did great with no flowers. Boys are so hard to scrap, when you love all the girly stuff! Have a fun day off tomorrow!

  4. Thank you for my AWARD!!!! You made my day!!! I have been having such a tough time, so this was sent at the perfect moment!!!! Thanks again, sweet friend

  5. What a wonderful layout! I love love love the tree and the fence! That is so cute!!

  6. Cool layout! I have a hard time with the "masculine" layout given I too love all things girly. Glad you are getting a day off've had a busy week so you are due some down time. Enjoy!

  7. oh wow Kristii.. thanks for the wonderful compliment.. I just saw this layout and feel in love.. i feel the same way about flowers on my sons pages too.. So the tree is a great idea.. awesome layout..

  8. I Love the layout of Benny! Looks good Mom! Can't wait to see you in a MONTH!!!

  9. awesome LO! I *love* comparison pages. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  10. Kristii, Great job with that sketch! What a wonderful layout! Enjoy your day off!!

  11. I love the little tree... very cute layout

  12. Your work is so amazing, it's always so inspiring to me!!
    Have a great night and a fun day tomorrow!!


  13. Your work is just amazing - I am so in awe of you. :) GREAT LO about your boy too! :)

  14. Wonderful LO! Love how you did the tree!!

  15. Oh my gosh! This layout is just stunning. I love the bright colors. You did an awesome job with this sketch.
