Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday Madness!!!

Today is going to be a crazy day that is for sure.  I overslept, so I am already behind.  Aaach, I hate it when that happens!!   I have to work both jobs today and I need to work more on my projects. The nice thing is I will have Friday to work on taxes, fafsa, and my projects.  That will help tremendously!!  Hurry up Friday!! Wish me luck today, I already feel out of kilter!!  I should have started my post off like I did yesterday, This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!!  Ok, take a deep breath it will be ok!  Thank you Lord for the reminder!  It is going to be a good day!!

Well, yesterday was very productive!  I didn't get enough done, but I did get started on everything on my list except shopping for Heidi's birthday present and Valentine's goodies.  Don't you just wish there were a couple more hours in the day??  It would be very helpful, that's for sure!!  Did I already say, Hurry up Friday??  

I have a couple of things to share today and then I have to get in gear and get going!
My first project as a So Sketchy Senior Sista (I'm really not that old by the way, lol!!) is based on this sketch.
I used an adorable  photo of my sweet Bethany Marie and some Basic Grey Sugared goodies and this is what I came up with:
Such a fun sketch!  I hope you check out the So Sketchy Blog!
Ally's sketches are so fun to work with!!  I am sooo excited to be on the So Sketchy Team once again!!

I made two cards last night, but only one photographed well.  I will have to photograph the other one today in natural light.  These short days make for difficulty in photographing that is for sure!  I long for the longer, warmer days of spring!!  I used the Color Me Daisy February kit for this one along with a sketch from the CPS Blog.  This was made with sketch #101.

I will be posting the rest of my Color Me Daisy Projects in the days to come!!

I hope you all have a relaxed Wednesday!!  I will continue to breath in and breath out and Rejoice in the Lord today!!


  1. Hello there! I have kleft you somethng pretty to collect from my blog!!

  2. As always, BEAUTIFUL work. Wishing you the best on your duty-filled day. And I so agree with you...remembering "This is the day that the Lord has made" is THE absolute best way to start any day! Life occasionally overwhelms us in a manner that we must slow down to remember...but remember we shall! Have a truly blessed day!

  3. wow, that's an amazing LO! gorgeous work

  4. gorgeous layout as always Kristii...i love your work. =)

  5. wonderful sketch and love your LO!!

  6. Beautiful card! Wonderful layout! I'm going to give that sketch a try!

  7. I loved that layout and left you praiase for it on 2Peas but I will tell you again, it's just fantastic!
    Love the card too, so beautiful!!
    Have a great day!!

  8. Cute cute cute! Your page is gorgeous and so is the card. I always LOVE your stuff!!! I always hated when Ally post my work with yours, not too even :)

  9. Always, always wishing for more time in my day! But truthfully, Kristii I think I personally need to work on time management better. That's my issue ;0p :0)

    Love you layout!

  10. Beautiful scrapbook page and love your take on the CPS101 sketch! Beautiful work!!

  11. Ohh... love the card and layout! Hope your day gets better.

  12. gorgeous!gorgeous! gorgeous!

  13. What a GREAT layout... love the detail with the scallops up the side!

    And you are putting old hymns in my head "this is the day the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad."

  14. oh... ps, I quasi-tagged you (you don't have to actually do anything, I just thought you would like to know I mentioned you on your blog!)

  15. the card is gorgeous! and the title on the layout sums it up perfectly...except that you'd have to add 'super'. i'm such a cheese ball. have a great day!

  16. I am so not a morning I have an occurance like yours...oh, about every week! Hee hee! Hope your day got better from this morning!

    Gorgeous layout...and simply SMASHING card!! Just love how you used the sketch, and that butterfly is TOO adorable! Wonderful job!


  17. Beautiful basic grey projects on here! Hope the day is going well, it's hard when they get off to a rocky start!

  18. pretty work! great take on the cps sketch!!

  19. Girl, I could look at your work all day long - you are amazing! I love that scalloped edge on the border - fabulous! Hope your wednesday ended up going ok and that friday comes quickly for you ;-)

  20. Starting off late, does so throw you off, but I just adore your attitude. Could you send some of it my way!!! The LO you did is just wonderful and loving the card, so elegant!!! Wishing you a great day and hoping that you are not too tired when you get home!!! I love "THis is the day that the Lord has made"!

  21. WoW! Great layout and I absolutely a-dore your CPS card!!

  22. I love that sketch layout and what you did with it and great job too with the CPS Sketch.
